Water || Fields Around Omashu

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I come to, and bolt straight up. I slam into a hard surface and fall back, putting my hands up to my forehead.

"Ow!" My eyes come into focus and I see Sokka above me, holding his jaw.

A blue sky filled with clouds lays behind him, and wind flows over my body. I bend my leg up, and see how my left calf has been bandaged. Small spots of red dot the cloth, and my pant leg has been singed up to my mid thigh.

"What? Where..." I shade my eyes from the bright sun that warms my exposed skin.

"You passed out after Zuko, um you know," He gestured towards my leg.

The memories flooded back over me: dancing with Sokka on the ice, fighting Zuko and controlling him, seeing Suki kiss So-

"There it is! The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" I sit up, and see Aang hop off of Appa's head while spreading his arms out wide.

"Omashu? You're telling me I slept all the way here?"

"We didn't want to wake you up," Katara says. "You went through a lot. It was a good thing that you brought burn medicine with you."

Everyone climbed off of Appa's saddle, and I tried to my best to do the same. When I attempted to stand, my leg buckled under my own weight. Sokka helped me back up, letting me rest an arm around his shoulders. I hobbled over to the edge of the hill, and looked out upon the wonder that is Omashu.

Mother has traveled here before, and I always begged her to let me come with. She said I could go once I was fifteen. If only the war had started later, I could have been here before everything. Before our home was taken away forever.

I push those thoughts to the back of my mind, and focus on the path ahead of us. Omashu was built on top of a large mountain, with four peaks littered with buildings. Three smaller pyramids skirted the outside of the fourth, which is much taller than the rest. In the center, it looked like there was a huge doorway carved into the stone. Walls surrounded the city, closing out the world.

"I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi!"

"Wow! We don't have cities like this in the South Pole!"

"They have buildings here that don't melt."

"I have always wanted to come here! My Mother has told me so many stories about the big market place they have!" I say, filled to the brim with excitement.

"Well, lets go, slowpokes. The real fun is inside the city!" Aang jumps off the cliff, sliding down on the hill.

I start walking after him, failing to remember that my leg has been burnt by the Prince. I stumble forward wincing in pain, and Sokka catches me from behind before steadying me back on my feet. Normally I would feel nervous about being so close to him, but that's the least of my worries. I just want to go into the city to see everything my Mother wanted to show me. This is my one chance, and I can't even take it.

And there is that whole thing with Suki, that just keeps bugging me. I wish I could bleach my eyes and forget the whole thing.

My shoulders slump and Katara speaks, "Wait, Aang. It could be dangerous if people find out your the Avatar."

"You need a disguise."

"What am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?"

"Well, I think I got an idea," I announce.

Sokka leads me back over to Appa, and Aang trails behind us. I take some of Appa's loose fur, and position it on top of Aang's head, creating the illusion that he has long white hair that sticks out from all sides. He takes a handful and puts it under his nose like a mustache, and it makes us burst out in laughter.

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