Water || Jade Switchblade

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After traveling on Appa for about 3 hours or so, the sun finally begins to set. Stars twinkle in the deep blue sky, the cool breeze tosses my hair behind me. I try to untangle it, but I decide to let it be. I let out a loud yawn.

"How much farther do we have to go today? I'm getting kinda tired." 

Aang turns his head back to face me, "I would say maybe another hour. Why don't you try to get some sleep?"

I lay down on my back and stare up at the night sky, and breath in the salty air. It's much more refreshing than the stinky fire navy ship, and to be honest I never want to go back on one of those again. 

"Y/N. I forgot to give this to you." I look over to my right and see Sokka holding a pale green hilt towards me.

"My switchblade! I thought I lost it!" 

"A what now? I don't see a blade anywhere!" He curiously dangles it in front of his face, searching for where the metal should be. I sit up and take it out of his hand. I see Katara curiously peering at the polished green stone in my peripheral vision and wave her to come over with my free hand.

"If you're not careful enough you'll cut yourself." In one fluid motion I firmly grasp the weapon, keeping my fingertips away from the left side of the hilt, and move my wrist from near my stomach out to the right. The metal shines in the moonlight as it appears before everyone. Sokka blocks his face with both of his arms, and Katara lets out a gasp. I laugh at Sokka's reaction, and when he relaxes I see his face is a faint shade of red. 

"I'm not going to hurt you! I was checking to see if it still works after being in the snow!"

"Yeah well just- don't point it at me!" He uses his index finger to lower the blade away from him.

"Okay, I promise I'll never point it at you again." I tuck the blade away inside of the jade, and place it safely in the waistband of my borrowed water tribe clothes. The nice thing about having two sets of clothes now is how I'm prepared for warm and cold. 

"That's really cool Y/N! Where did you get it from?" Katara questions.

"It was a gift from my parents. It's something that's been passed down through many generations, and it also kept me safe while I was searching for the airbenders. It's a lot more useful than you think." 

I settled back down on Appa's saddle and fell asleep.

Sokka's Pov

Y/N took the strange green rock out of my hand, and waved Katara over to us. 

"If you're not careful enough, you'll cut yourself." She positioned it in her hand and swung out, revealing a blade.

Was she going to attack us? I had that in my pocket the whole time! Quick, think of a plan. Fuck. Okay, grab Katara and then what? Jump off the side of Appa and plummet into the water? No way.

I covered my face, but I reached one hand farther down my back, wrapping my fingers around the edge of my boomerang. I tried to silence the waves of thoughts crashing over me, I just need to focus so I don't miss-

Then she laughed. The most gentlest of laughs I've ever heard. I hesitated slightly before I removed my arms from protecting me.

"I'm not going to hurt you!"

Maybe it'll be okay.


Y/N's Pov


"Mom? What's going on? Where's Dad?" The woman who I called Mom kinda had a blurry face. It was hard to tell what she looked like, but I knew her.

"Dad was out at the market, but I've been told that the fire nation is here."

"Why? What do they want from us?"

"Y/N, I don't know. What I do know if that you need to find the Southern Air Temple. Tell the monks that the attacks have started. I want you to be free, and they can't know about what you are." She was shoveling food, water, spare clothes, and medicine into a bag.

"Mom, I don't want to leave you here! And what am I? Just tell me what I am!"

There was pounding on the front door. 

"They're here. Y/N, I love you so much. Please, make sure to stay safe. Take this with you, it's been passed down from generation to generation, and it's now your turn to have it." The woman pressed the hilt into my hand and pushed me towards the back door.


"RUN Y/N!"

I could feel my feet picking up speed, and sure enough, I heard a scream. I was in the surrounding forest of our village, and I fell to the ground. Smoke filled my lungs and I gasped for air like a fish out of water. Tears flowed out of my eyes, and I could hear a pair of footsteps rushing towards me. I turned around and held my hands out, to block out the firebending which was destined to come. It didn't.

I opened my eyes to see a single soldier, with an expression of pure agony on his face. I could feel the blood moving through his veins, and I stumbled backwards. When I moved, he did too. It wasn't like he was walking, no, he was being controlled. His body was twisting as I moved my hands.

"Y-You... shit-brained... frEAK. L-LET ME GO!" His words were struggling to come out of his mouth.

I couldn't. I turned and ran, I ran and ran, until there was no energy left in me. I was a freak. And I never wanted to do that ever again.

*Flashback/Dream end*

My eyes shot open and I was raggedly dragging in breaths. I was still on Appa's saddle, but I had a blanket draped over me. 

"Y/N? Are you up?" I heard someone whisper from a distance away. It was Sokka.


"Are you okay? You were kinda thrashing around a lot and we didn't want to move you from Appa." While he spoke, his voice gradually grew louder as he approached me. I still couldn't see him over the sides of the saddle, but I knew he was there. 

"I had a bad dream. It's gone now though. I wasn't keeping everyone up right?"

"No! I woke up just to go to the bath- you know what it doesn't really matter. See you in the morning okay?"

I let a small laugh escape my lips, "Okay. Goodnight."


Word count: 1122

I made this chapter about more of your backstory, so it is very much improvised. I thought it would be a good idea to know more about yourself before traveling to the Southern Air Temple! Now you got your switchblade back yay! I hope you are enjoying my story so far! Let me know what you think in the comments if you want :) 

Little side note: While I was writing the flashback/dream, I listened to the song "Freaks" by Surf Curse. I think it might give a bigger effect if you want to go back and re-read it.

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