Water || The Lost Airbenders

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"Hey Y/N! Time to wake up!" I open my eyes to see Katara peering down at me. I squint at the early morning sunlight, and rub the back of my hands against my eyelids.

"Is it okay if I wash up in the river before we go?"

"Of course! Just don't take too long okay?"

I slid down Appa's tail, raised my arms above my head and stretched. My joints cracked as I did so, relieving some of the soreness that remained from yesterday. Sleeping on Appa's back for 10 hours probably wasn't the best decision.

I sluggishly made my way over to the water's edge and scooped a handful onto my face. I put my fingers up to my hair and tried to get out some of the tangles. I only manage to get it more knotted, so I think it's best if I get in the water completely. I quietly take off my heavy water tribe gear, leaving myself in simple white underclothes. The shimmering waves lapped at my feet, sending a slight chill up my spine. It was cool to the touch, but a good wake up call. I get into the water and slip my head under the surface, allowing my hair to get wet. I wade in far enough till it's up to my chin, and start raking my fingers through the loose strands again.

"Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" I can see Aang standing next to Sokka's sleeping bag, while dragging the edge of a stick on the fabric.

"AHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Sokka was jumping up and down, still in his blue cocoon. We all started laughing at him and he finally caught on that it was a joke. He lost his balance and fell onto his chin facing right at me, making accidental eye contact.

"GAH!" His face turned red with embarrassment and I kept laughing through the whole thing.

"Great, your awake! Let's go." Aang hollered.

"Just give me a second! I have to dry off really quick!" I made my way out to shoreline and squeezed out my hair. I could see Sokka staring at me out of the corner of my eye, and Katara hit him on the back of the head. I giggled to myself and walked over to where I left my clothes.

"Hey Aang, could you help me out a little?" I spread my arms out to the side, slightly tilting my head up to the sky, letting my eyes close.

"Sure!" Aang bended an air current around me, instantly drying me off in five seconds. I shook my hair out behind me and started pulling on my water tribe outfit. Finally, I put my hair up in its usual style and climbed onto Appa's saddle.

Time skip: A couple hours later

It's always so peaceful, just gazing at the endless white tufts lazily floating around us. Although it does get kinda boring sometimes.

I wish I had brought a game with me or something. I miss playing Pai Sho.

The sun's rays show no mercy this morning, and I know that I won't be able to catch any extra sleep on the ride to the Southern Air Temple. I lean back on the edge of the saddle and play with some loose thin rope. I use my switchblade to cut it into three smaller pieces, and braid them all together. I set it down next to me and turn back to looking at the clouds. Sokka's stomach growls loudly, disturbing the calm silence.

"Hey, stomach, be quiet alright? I'm trying to find us some food." He started rummaging around his bags, moving around all the parcels trying to find any sign of a snack.

"Sokka, I don't think your stomach is a real person," I jest.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Y/N." He pulls out a beige sack, and turns it upside-down. A small amount of crumbs fall into his hand.

"Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?"

"Oh. That was food?" Aang answers sweetly. "I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry."

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