Water || A Familiar Name

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I slump down against Appa's rough, silky fur, flask in hand. I fiddle with the cap in my other, letting it slip trough my fingers to be caught by another. My leg has finally gotten to the point where the pain has left my calf, but the damage done still lingers. I can move about, and even run, but I still need to take breaks. I keep on the bandages, since I'm still afraid to look at the scar and I want to keep the others from worrying.

The last thing I want to do is scare Aang and put even more pressure on him. So much has happened already and I just want to make sure he can be the best Avatar this world has ever seen.

The trees rustle in the wind, allowing leaves to scatter in the air. The forrest we landed in has hues of reds, oranges, even the occasional yellow adorning the wildlife. I got so used to the cold terrains and summer foliage that I've forgotten about the fact that nature doesn't always stay that way forever.

"Where's Momo?" Aang questions.

I slowly search our surroundings, and not too far away I hear Momo screeching for help. I rush onto my feet, scanning the woodlands. My eyes dart up towards the treetops, where three odd looking spheres are suspended in the sky.

"There!" I direct Aang by jutting out my finger towards the strange contraptions. He uses his airbending to propel himself to the highest branches, hanging by his legs from the tree's limb.

Momo's prison begins to lower, and we greet him by gently meeting the creature with the forest floor. Katara and Sokka pry the slim bands of metal open, and the lemur joyfully scampers out of the cage. He's eating a lychee nut, and Sokka simply groans at the animal's naïve nature.

Although, even though we've freed our little friend, more distressed wailing crescendos from hidden in the leaves. "Alright, you too," Aang complies with their request, once again taking flight.

Sokka reaches behind his back, "This is gonna take forever." He flings his boomerang, creating an arc the cuts through the ropes with beautiful precision. He's giving the animal's another chance of survival as the hurry away from us. The tool returns to his hand, and he casually slips it back into the holder.

I honestly will admit, that I'm impressed by his use of the weapon. I for one, would be a terrible aim at it. The angles would be off, or I would throw it the wrong way.

"Where did these come from? I don't think we're close to a village..." I wonder aloud, softly kicking one of the abandoned traps.

The Water Tribe boy answers my question, "These are Fire Nation traps. You can tell by the metal work. We better pick up camp and get moving."

None of us take any time to hesitate. I shove everything into my pack, and sloppily roll up my sleeping bag. I haphazardly throw it onto Appa's saddle, giving Aang the job of tying it down to the bison. I was finally starting to think we would be out of the clear for a while. But of course, we just seem to find them, no matter were we go.

Katara hand's her sleeping bag to Aang, but Sokka interjects. "Uh-uh, no flying this time."

"What? Why wouldn't we fly?"

"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable."

His sister angrily puts her hands on her hips, "Appa's not too noticeable!"

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on it's head! It's kind of hard to miss him." Sokka waves around his arms to add more value to his argument, and I stifle a laugh. Sure, he's actually pretty smart under the layers of sarcasm, but some of his deliveries just make it that more amusing.

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