Water || Nighttime Nerves

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Vibrations echo through my arms, a whizzing sound emitting from the metal line. I twist around so I'm facing to the direction of my descent but there's a slight problem: I don't know how to stop.
It's easy enough to push off and get going, there's the assistance of a downward slope to cause momentum, not to decrease speed which is what I need to refrain from colliding with my unknown destination. I keep my voice to myself to ward off unwanted eyes except for the desired gaze of my friends. My hands dig into the handlebar, attempting to ground my thoughts for a solution.

Aang is able to have more control due to his air bending, but all I've got it water and blood. How would I ever be able to stop whatever material I'm being held up with? There's one sure fire way to stop but the only thing is I could risk breaking multiple bones in the process. It's the only thing I got.
I take one hand off the handle, yanking my switchblade from my boot. I cautiously expose the blade not to risk hurting myself from one false swing. I bring my feet up to meet whatever type of wire I'm gliding upon to slow my speed. I make a single deep slash at the material, letting go of the handlebar, the hilt of the blade between my teeth, both hands connecting to the thread separating me and a painful plummet.

My weight propels the pendulum, and my body feels numb until the dark gray rope meets it maximum length and sends me straight towards a platform. One that just happens to be occupied by a familiar red striped warrior. I quickly reposition my weapon into my waistband while I call out "Smellerbee!" as loud as I can muster.
She instantly drops whatever she's holding, extending her arms out as if to anticipate an embrace, although in this context it's to prevent injury. "Y/n!"
When I'm only a few inches away I let go, effectively flinging myself towards her form as we topple harshly onto the sun-faded planks.

"Are you alright? Did the line snap?"
"Where's Sokka?"
"What? Is everything okay?" her voice is laced with concern and she seems to be checking if I have a concussion.
"Yeah, everything's good. I guess the line broke or something."
She awkwardly laughs at my statement. "Sokka's up in the hut. You need anythin' else Y/n?"

I push off my knees so I'm standing, giving her a hand to join me. She watches as I straighten myself out frantically, picking a twig from her hair, flicking it nonchalantly of the edge of the platform. "No. Thanks Bee, I'm glad we're friends."

I leave her behind, scrambling up the ladder, racing across multiple bridges and trying my best to avoid hitting people as I sprint past them. I think I might've passed Katara or Aang, but they didn't notice me. Good, I don't need them to be dragged into this right now.
I crash through the canvas covered doorway leading into the hut Sokka and I have claimed for the time being, as he's angrily packing up whatever belongings he had kept inside. He stops instantly once my wild expression, adrenaline-riddled body, and disastrous state enters the room. My breathing is heavy from the non-stop exertion I've been going through, my mind going haywire in my need for safety with no regard to calming down any time soon.

"Y/n, did ya get it?"
"Yeah... it's inside the tree, thingy," I rest my palms on my knees while I desperately try to gain back oxygen between my words.
"Great! You didn't get hurt or anything right? Look at me." Sokka gently prods my arms and tilts my face this way and that to check any visible signs of harm.
"No, no, I'm okay. The only problem is I kind of had to beat up Jet..." he raises an eyebrow at the way I'm avoiding the whole story. I sigh, "I kicked him in the face. Twice."

"There you go!" Sokka playfully punches my arm, tousling my hair a bit before relaxing on the roll-out bedding. I follow his lead by sitting next to him, sprawling out as I flop onto my back, my mind finally slowing to its normal pace.
"So what now?"
"Well, try not to be kidnapped?"
"Hey! You are not getting kidnapped. No way," Sokka crosses his arms, letting out a huff.
"You're in the same boat as me! They know we're up to something. It's only a matter of time before we're swept away into the night, never to be seen again." I wave my hands in a grand gesture to emphasize the weight of our situation.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever it's not happening either way."

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