Water || Roku's Return

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Shyu was kneeling on the ground, surrounded by Zuko and the remaining Sages. He's tied up, and couldn't use his firebending to free himself. Either that or he just doesn't want to fight back anymore.

"Why did you help the Avatar?"

"Because it was once the Sage's duty. It is still our duty," Shyu responds in a steady voice.

How is he not completely freaking out right now? Prince Zuko could totally just blast his head off.

I slightly wriggle in the chains, which only makes them tangle around me tighter. Not like it's a great idea either, since my head has suffered three consecutive blows within the span of- what, a little over an hour? I just want to get my switchblade back before it's too late. I could care less about my makeshift cane, I just can't loose my knife. It's too important to be left behind inside some silly temple that I'm probably never going to see again.

A slow clapping rings out, and I instantly freeze. I'm not able to tell which direction it's coming from, so I stare at my lightly dangling feet with wide eyes. Sokka nudges my shoulder again to gain my attention without saying anything. I slowly look up, and he darts his clear blue eyes to signal where the source is located.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm sure the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him," it's a man, and he sounds older than Prince Zuko. The dim light bouncing around the cavern mixed with my aching pains distorts his figure.

Who are you?

Although, there are more people with him. They have the face of skulls, and they're moving in the shape of birds in flight, the formation of the letter "V".

"Commander Zhao--" one of the Fire Sages bows.

"And, Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort, but your little smoke screen didn't work. Two traitors in one day. The Fire Lord will be pleased."

One of the skulls came from behind and grabbed Zuko's hands, "You're too late, Zhao. The Avatar's inside, and the doors are sealed."

No way... are they gonna actually capture the Prince... that's crazy.

"No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out."

One of the skull-men stands next to me, watching over us. I stare into the black holes where his irises should be, searching for any sign of life past them. I can see a faint glint of pale skin, and I just know these aren't actual bones. Right?

This guy has gotta be a fake.

"So, tell me... what is it like... to uh, be a skeleton. Like how- how does, where did-"

"Y/n, stop it," Sokka hisses at me.

I shut up after that.

After a few moments, I can feel myself begining to black out. Everyone and everything sounds like it's been submerged in water, and I'm calmly drowning. Sinking away into a strange cold trance, with the skulls and who I think is Commander Zhao assembling in front of the dragon doors. Shyu is now stuck next to Katara, and another series of chains are keeping me in place. The soldiers' movements were mesmerizing as they got into attack position, all moving in unison.

"How's Aang going to get out of this?" Katara softly questions, although it sounds like she's miles away.

"How are we gonna make it out of this?" Sokka complains.

"Shush now, I wanna talk to these skeletons," I mumble.

"Sokka, what's going on with Y/n?"

I don't respond. I'll let him to the explaining, because everything hurts. I just want to go to sleep and finish this whole ordeal tomorrow. Whatever Aang's doing, he better hurry up before I completely loose it.

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