Water || Old Bones

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Katara and I looked back to Sokka, who gave us a shrug. I know that Air Temple Sanctuary was a sacred space, and I never ventured out to find it. I've overheard Monks talking about it to Aang on accident, and I know that something important is in that room. We followed after him as he led us through winding halls and corridors, lined with small circular widows at the tops of the walls.

We arrived in a room with a beautiful design on the ground, showing an 8-pointed star with a circle in the center, having a swirling pattern of blue and white. Piles of snow dotted the floor, gathering into heaps in the corners. There was an old tree creeping up the walls, it's roots were peeking out through the withering stone. It was outlining a grand wooden door, from the left to the right. There was golden tubes running along the middle in connecting squiggles. There were two large openings on both ends of the ducts, and three blue circles with swirls carved into them were connected to the old pipes too. It looked just like the symbol for air!

"But, Aang, no one could have survived in there for one hundred years." Katara stated.

"It's not impossible! Y/N and I survived in the iceberg for that long." Aang opened up his arms to emphasize his logic while we all stared at the door in awe.

"Good point."

"Katara, whoever's in there might help me figure out this Avatar thing."

"And whoever's in there might have a medley delicious cured meats." Sokka started rubbing his hands together in anticipation. He went up to the door and pushed against it. After a few moments, he sinks down to the floor with his back against the wood.

"Don't suppose either of you have a key," he says while tiredly pointing a finger at Aang and I.

"The key, Sokka," Aang said with bright eyes, "is airbending."

I gave Sokka a hand and we all stood back from the door. Aang sucked in a deep breath and shoved his hands out in front of him and shot two strong, streams of air into the horn-like ends of the pipes. The airbending symbols shake slightly, and turned around letting out a sharp whistle. The door splits down the middle and creaks as it does so. The room that lays past is is dark, and I can't see what's past the shadows from where I'm standing. 

Aang walks in, and we all reluctantly follow. I never thought that I would see what was in the Sanctuary, considering I'm not an airbender, let alone the Avatar. I think the Sanctuary is in one of the tall spires, because the walls seem to go up forever. We are greeted by multiple statues, all positioned in a never ending spiral, even with them mounted up on the walls. Some are men, and some are women. A thin veil of dust covers the expanse of the chamber, leaving faint footprints behind us as we amble in farther. 

"Statues? That's it? Where's the meat?"

"Sokka, the meat your looking for doesn't exist." I say in response. He gives me a slight pout before we walk over to Aang and Katara. 

"Who are all of these people?" Katara questions. 

"I'm not sure. But it feels like I know them somehow. Look!" Aang pointed at a man, "That one's an airbender!" 

Katara points to a sculpture on her right, "And this one's a waterbender! They're lined up in a pattern. Air, water, earth, and fire."

"That's the Avatar cycle!" Aang replies happily.

"Of course! They're Avatars! Aang, these people are your past lives!" I scoop Aang up in my arms into a hug. This might not have been exactly what he was looking for, but I still want him to be excited about something.

"Wow. There's so many!" Aang takes my hand again and travels inward towards the center. I can hear Sokka talking to Katara, and I eavesdrop again, since I'm curious about what they think of everything so far. It's hard to hear them over our heavy footsteps, and the distance between us.

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