Water || Pirates And The Prince

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I wake up to the sound of Sokka yelling about something. I groggily sitting up, using the colors painted in the sky to assume the time to be around dawn. Aang was up too, the both of us gawking at the angered teenager through sleep ladened eyes.

"What's going on?" I ask, fumbling with the comb's wraps.

Sokka's expression softened but his angered tone stayed the same, "She took the scroll! She's obsessed with that thing." He shuffles on his knees to me and calmly pries the comb out of my hands, finally freeing it from its man-made cocoon. "It's just a matter of time before she get us all in deep- WOAH!" 

Suddenly something wraps around his wrists, and he drops the heirloom into the dirt. He's dragged away from me, and I instantly bring out my switchblade. I reach for the jade object while rising to my feet, and Sokka grabs his machete, charging towards his attacker. 

Aang is at my side, preparing to create a shield if we can't get close enough to counter them. I tuck the comb into my waistband for the moment, since the only one who knows how to put it in my hair...

Aang presses his back against mine, signaling to me that we'll use our old attack formation. We revolve slowly, analyzing all of the woods around us, his hands raised to bend while I've reverted to the habit of using my switchblade. He's got an air current contained between his palms, my blade glinting in the faint morning light.

"Aang! Over there!" I stop us so we're both looking to my right, seeing a built man with two loaded crossbows. 

He has an ugly grin, two gold rings wrapped around his biceps and brown wrist guards with silver studs embedded within the material. There a net woven between the harpoons, aimed directly at us. He's got a scar on his chest, showing this isn't his first fight. Even though he's standing at a good distance, I can tell he's much bigger, and we wouldn't stand much of a chance in a test of strength. 

The man fires both the weapons, and we both shift out footing so we're shoulder to shoulder (well more like my shoulder is near his head and his is around my elbow, but you get the point). Aang sends his air current at the net, but it only flows through the holes, not even slowing it's momentum. 

I slash at it with my knife, but I can only manage to cut a few strands of the thick rope. I'm in a tangled mess with the young Avatar, trying my best to not cut him on accident. 

"SOKKA!" I yell, putting away my switchblade to refrain from hurting Aang. He's not thrashing around, but going along with the attacker's plans. 

Sokka's curent enemy knocks him down, and then the two men start dragging Aang and I away from our camp. Aang is holding onto my arm, and I check over him with my eyes to make sure he's not severely injured. 

I change my gaze over to the Water Tribe boy. He's getting up slowly, reaching for his abandoned machete.

"Oh, what? I'm not good enough to kidnap?" he jokes, earning a small snicker from me. 

Then, he's put in one of the nets too. He wasn't able to get his own gear, and is brought along with us to whatever location our pursuers have chosen. 

Maybe they have Katara too! She wasn't with us...
I hope she's okay. I know she was acting a little strange yesterday and when I tried to talk to her she brushed me off. 

Time skip: After you've arrived at the river's edge...

We're released from our woven prisons, and I recognize our captors. It's the group of "high risk traders" that we ran into at the market. Katara took their scroll, and Sokka stole Fiko's heirloom for me, so it makes sense why they're upset. 

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