Water || Stolen Scroll

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Aang's holding the scroll open for Katara, who's bending the water from the pond to form a "water whip". Sokka and I watch from a nearby boulder as the girl tries her best to follow the motions. It results in her accidentally hitting her own forehead, leaving a red mark behind.

Sokka laughs, but I push him off the rock for being rude. "What's so funny," Katara demands.

"I'm sorry but you deserved that," he says while dusting himself off. "You've been duped. She's only interested in teaching herself."

"Aang and Y/n will get their turn once I finish the water whip," Katara grumbles.

She tries again, although this time she goes through the movements much faster. I can tell she's frustrated, not taking her time with actually learning the material. Katara accidentally hits Momo, and she groans with frustration. Aang cautiously lays the scroll on a nearby tree stump, and Sokka rejoins me on the boulder.

"Ugh, why can't I get this stupid move!" the Water Tribe girl complains while balling her hands into fists.

"You'll get it," Aang encourages, gesturing for me to follow him. I slide off the rock, glancing over the scripture to memorize it within a few seconds. "You've just gotta shift your weight through the stances."

Aang calmly bends the water to create the whip, and I copy what he does, causing a slight lag between us. The levitating stream curls out, slashing at the air before retracting back into itself. I drop it back in the pond, looking at the airbender with a smile. He gives me a thumbs up in response, and Katara looks like she's having none of it.

"The key to bending is-"

"Will you please shut your air hole!"

I side step in front of Aang, shielding him with my arm "Katara, let's just-"

"Believe it or not, your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes! Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're both so naturally gifted!"

I glanced from Katara to Sokka, and I could tell he was disappointed in her actions. It was plainly written all over his face. Katara followed my gaze, not dropping her annoyed expression.

"What?" she snapped as her brother looked away at the forest.

I feel Aang wrap his arms around mine,  his lower lip quivering as he's holding back tears. Katara faces us again and looses all her confidence when she sees the deteriorating Avatar. Her features soften as she holds her hands close to her chest, noticing how she has hurt our friend. I even felt a bit hurt too, but it affected me much less. I was a bit pissed at her, but I understand where she's coming from.

Seeing your friends being able to do something so easily when you're  struggling can bring your spirits down. Although, I didn't want to fight against her is she wasn't going to admit that the way she was acting was going to hurt people over solving anything.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I-I don't know what came over me. But you know what, " she rolls up the scroll, "it won't happen again. Here, this is yours. I don't want anything to do with it anymore."

Katara shoves the waterbending forms into my free hand, Aang loosening his grip, "It's okay, Katara," he sniffles a bit.

She must've really freaked him out... yikes.

I lightly pat him on the shoulder and Katara softly pets Momo while apologizing to him. Sokka finally looks back over at his sister, "And what about me? There was that time you-"

"No more apologies," she sternly cuts him off. "Aang, Y/n, you two can practice. I'm gonna go wash up and sort out our new supplies."

We all watch as she walks farther away, stopping at Appa's abandoned saddle. Aang's already trying the water whip again, and just messing around with the water, swirling it in the air. I try it again, and I take aim at one of the rocks. I successfully hit it and was able to refrain from hitting myself with the backlash. Maybe I could use the water with my dagger in a way that it would make it more deadly.

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