Water || Moonlight's Embrace

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Katara lets go of me, and Sokka softly lowers me back down so I'm laying on Appa's saddle. Aang gives my hand a little squeeze before he digs around in the packs. Sokka dangles something that's light green over my nose with a goofy grin, and I cross my eyes trying to focus on the random object.

"What. Is. That."

"SOKKA!" Katara yells at him, and he quickly yanks it away from my face.

He laughs, "Don't worry Katara! I don't even know how to use it."

"You got my switchblade?" I ask weakly, recognizing the jade hilt in his palm.

"Yes, I made sure to grab it for you. I'll hang onto it until you get better, y'know, so you don't get hurt on accident. Or s-something like that," he hesitates on the last part, but it's actually kinda cute.

"Thanks. I, um, I really appreciate it," I mumble.

He lightly blushes, and I can feel my cheeks starting to warm up too. Before I stare for too long Aang lays a warm blanket over me. I tug up the corners around my face, tucking my knees to my chest, slightly hiding myself from Sokka's kind gaze.

Finally, I can rest without worrying that we're going to be blown up.

I close my eyes and let my thoughts quiet down, calmly fading into a peaceful slumber.

Time skip: Later at night...

"Hey, Y/n? Are you awake?" I hear a boy whisper.

"Huh?" I feel one of my eyes being pried open, and I can see the young Avatar is directly above me. "AAAH! AANG!"

He falls backward in surprise as I try to swat him away. "You could've just shaken me awake or something!" I shout while rubbing the side of my head. The pain from before has come roaring back due to the lack of adrenaline rushing through me.

"You should see your face!" Sokka laughs, but stops once I give him an annoyed glare.

"How are you feeling?" Katara asks, handing me my flask.

I take a few sips before responding, "I have a headache again, and I feel really sore everywhere. It's not as bad as when we were in the Temple, but my vision is clearing up. ...Can I ask a question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Okay, don't make fun of me, but did the Fire Temple completely get destroyed by some old man? Or am I just being delusional and it was some head-trauma induced fever dream?"

Aang uncomfortably squirms while I look to him for an answer, "Uhhh well, I mean, you're not wrong. I got some help from Avatar Roku and he destroyed the temple. Then we had to slide down the side of the roof onto Appa. Oh! And Sokka was carrying you the whole time, so if you thought that was fake, it was completely real."

"Oh... wow that's, um, okay."

"Yeah, I still feel guilty about it. It's my fault the temple got destroyed, and-"

"Aang, stop. Were you able to contact Avatar Roku?" I ask, placing a hand on his shoulder, the other being used to take small swigs of water.

"Yes, there is- was a statue of him in the Sanctuary, and I was able to contact his spirit through it when the sunlight hit his face. B-but then we kinda, just..." he laces his fingers together with a sigh.

"Meshed into... one?" I calmly question.

"Yeah," he responds with a small smile. "I knew you'd understand!" he pulls me into a hug, and I suppress a yelp of pain, not wanting to upset him any further.

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