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"Get to school boy," Hades slaps me hard across the face, knocking me over.
"Yes sir," I whimpered, readjusting my book bag on my shoulder.
I headed to the bus stop for my new school, since i  had to switch. . . again. I didn't necessarily get expelled, more like forcibly recommended to leave. Or at least that's what I tell people. I hated the bus with a passion, but since I lost my license within 2 months of having it I didn't exactly have another choice. It's not like my dad could just drive me, or I had any friends that would pick me up.
I sit on the corner where the bus stop is with a couple other kids I presume to also be waiting for the bus. I considered trying to talk to them, even just ask them if this was the bus stop for Olympian High school(dumb name right?). But I decided against it, and just pulled out my phone and turned on some music. I only had one airpod in so I could stay aware of his surroundings. I learned to always be aware of my surroundings at my past schools.
"Hey," a girl with blonde curly hair said walking over to me, "I don't recognize you, are you the new kid we've heard was transferring?"
She must have been able to read my confused expression, because she added, "News travels fast here."
"Yeah I'm new," I say, stating the obvious.
"Cool, I'm Annabeth Chase," she reached out and shook my hand. "That's my boyfriend Percy Jackson over there talking to our friend Jason Grace."
"Nico Diangelo," I respond quietly.
"Is it true you were expelled from your last two schools?" she asked bluntly, as she notices the other two boys walking over.
I took a sharp intake of breath. "Kinda," I say sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Your the new kid aren't you?" The boy with black hair and sea green eyes said as he walked over.
"Yeah, his named Nico," Annabeth said.
"Aren't you the one that got kicked from his last two schools for fighting?" Percy asks curiously.
Annabeth elbowed him in the ribs, "Your gonna freak him out," she murmered to him in a hushed tone that suggested I wasn't supposed to hear.
"Kinda," I answer, biting my lower lip anxiously. Was the whole school going to know? And how much  would they know already? I was really hoping all they knew was about the fighting.
"Nice," the other one with blonde hair and blue eyes said.
My eyes jerked up to look at him in surprise. I was expecting them to walk away and never speak to me again, but instead he just said nice?
I half heartedly smiled at him, "They all started it, I just finished it."
The two boys laughed. "Nice man. I don't think you'll have many problems here, but even if you do I doubt you couldn't handle it," Percy stated punching my shoulder playfully. I flinch away before I can even process it, and I see a strange look fall across Percys face.
Brushing it off, I smirked to myself, realizing for once i wasn't going to be the outcast. Well hopefully. But I wasn't used to people being so nice to me, and especially not in this way. Typically when people find out how i put a couple guys in the hospital at my first school they say shit like "But you're so small?" "You don't look that tough." "A shrimp like you!" Which the truth was, I agree with.
"I can't get into anymore fights, i'm tired of switching schools," I say honestly. I decided to play on this already spread 'tough guy' rumors, in the hopes people would just leave me alone. I really don't think I could handle anymore bullys. Not to mention I can't get into anymore trouble, of any sort at this point.
"Yeah, that's gonna stay on your permanent record and haunt you probably," Annabeth said, looking disapproving at the two other boys with a look that said "Don't get any ideas".
I didn't know what to say to that, she was right but I didn't really want to tell her that.
"Lighten up Annabeth," Jason teased, "He doesn't seem like a bad kid."
I raised his eyebrow at the three. "Kid?" i say sardonically, "I may be short but I'm not a kid."
"He calls everyone kid," Percy jumped in, nervously.
"Why isn't Will here?" Jason pointed out as we saw the bus pull up.
"Must have decided to sleep in," Percy shrugged.

Walking through the doors into the school I caught almost everyone's eyes on me at some point. I realized Annabeth was right and news traveled fast. I heard whispering about me all along the hallways until I found my locker. Just as I was about to put some particularly heavy bags in my locker, in slammed shut nearly missing my face.
"So your the new kid," a guy with blonde hair spit, his blue eyes narrowing.
"Obviously?" I respond, trying to not sound terrified.
"Don't be funny with me death boy," he sneered.
I really wanted to say guess I shouldn't show you a mirror than, but I didn't want to make an enemy within five minutes of walking into the school.
"You may already have a reputation here mister tough guy, but just know this is my school and I'm not afraid of a little bitch," at this point the boy was barley an inch away from mine. I could feel his breath on my nose.
"Look, I don't want any trouble," I say, forcing my voice to sound steady. I knew I could handle the guy, so that's not what I was afraid of. I was more afraid of getting in another fight to add to my long list of reasons I'm never going to be able to get into college.
The boy raised his eyebrows and let out a low laugh, "Some tough guy you are," he went to turn around but then suddenly lifted his fist and punched me right in the face, his ring causing a cut across my lips. I saw black dots blur my vision momentarily.
"Great, un altro fottuno bullo," I cursed under my breath raising my hand to my bleeding lip.
"Aren't you gonna fight back? Or are you just gonna murmer in gibberish." he punched me right in the gut that time, causing me to double over coughing.
I didn't say anything, although I  wanted to say it wasn't gibberish it was Italian dumbass, I just stood up and tried to walk away but the guy grabbed me by the collar of my jacket and threw me against the lockers.
"I just knew you were pussy," he laughed as he walked away, flanked by a couple guys that were clearly his little posse.

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