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I watched as Nico punched in the code to the gate and walked up the walk way to the front door accompanied by that girl. I thought he was just walking her home to her house not his.
"Hey Nico," I smiled as they walked into the front door.
He nodded at me and smiled back.
"I thought you were just walking her home?" I asked.
"Yeah I was, but then those dicks came and then I invited her over," he answered, throwing his bag down on the coach.
"I can leave if you had something going on though," she added, putting her bag back on her shoulder since she was just about to set it down.
"Oh no, you're fine! I just wasn't expecting you, uh what's your name by the way?" I ask her.
"Oh Amber, sorry I'm really bad about introducing myself," Amber tells me.
"Well Nice to meet you Amber, I'm Will."
"Is Nico home?" my mom called from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah I'm here," he yelled back.
Amber was looking around the room in awe. Who could blame her though, Nicos house was extremely impressive. It was so big that although Ive seen everywhere I don't know what half of the rooms are for.
"You're house is beautiful," Amber said in astonishment, "It's even bigger on the inside."
"Yeah just wait till you see the backyard," I add jokingly.
Nico looked extremely awkward, though he was the one that brought Amber to his house.
I walked over to Nico. "Why'd you invite her over? Not that i'm upset but you seen uncomfortable," I whisper.
"She was like crying, and I didn't know what to do," Nico looked like a deer in the headlights. "I figured you could help me cheer her up or something, but she seems fine now."
"Thank you again for doing what you did back there," Amber said to Nico.
"Oh yeah, what exactly happened?" I asked them.
"Well those guys came and where giving Nico shit for walking with me, and then was saying how he can't do anything since he was on parole which I didn't know, and yeah," Amber answered quickly.
"One of the guys looked like he was gonna shit his pants though when I turned around, he even called me Sir!" Nico said in amusement.
"But you didn't get in a fight?" I ask, just to be sure.
"No," Nico answers, looking almost disappointed.
"I thought Elijah was going to try to fight him, but he didn't thankfully," Amber added.
"He's all bark and no bite, I'm not too worried they'll actually start a fight with me," Nico tells me.
"I mean they did beat my boyfriends ass once, and they haven't exactly kept their hands off me either," Amber says, kicking the ground.
Nicos head snapped up, "They've hit you!"
"A couple times, you can probably tell I have a black eye from Jonah throwing a book at me the other day," she was chewing the insides of her cheeks like this was hard for her admit. "I don't tell people this though, but i feel like I can trust you guys won't tell anyone right?"
Nico looked like he was fuming. "They are so lucky I'm on parole or Id go hunt them down right fucking now," he growled through gritted teeth.
"That's why you came to Nico isn't it, you didn't want it to become a big thing but you were tired of their bullying," I said starting to actually understand why she would come to Nico and not go to someone else. Nicos got such a reputation now that she probably hoped just seeing her with him would scare them away.
"The schools never done anything before, and my boyfriends not strong enough or scary enough to get them to leave me alone," Amber shrugs, staring at the ground.
"You probably were hoping they'd just see you with Nico and leave you alone, cause with Nicos reputation if they didn't somehow know he was on probation it probably would have worked," I think out loud.
"Yeah exactly," Amber says, "If I had known you were on parole I wouldn't have asked cause I don't want you to get in any trouble."
"It's fine, I'm glad you came to me," Nico says.
I smile at him and he glared back at me. "What are you smiling at me like that for?" He snaps.
"You just normally aren't this compassionate for anyone expect for like me," I point out.
He sticks his tongue out at me, "I'm plenty compassionate."
"I see that," I tease him.
"You guys are so cute," Amber interjects with, smiling as well.
"He's annoying that's what," Nico grumbles.
"Oh you love me," I say kissing his cheek.
He grumbles in agreement though he still looked extremely annoyed. I could tell it was an act because I could see him trying not to smile.
After an hour or so of Amber telling us about how those guys bully her, she decided she needs to go home.
"Thank you for having me over, I really appreciated it," she says moving to hug Nico.
At first I thought he was gonna actually hug her back but he put his hand up at the last second.
"I don't hug, sorry," he says.
She stepped back, "Oh my bad, sorry I'm a hugger."
"You're fine," Nico shrugs as she walks out the door and heads back to wherever she lived.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now