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"Where've you been?" Percy asked as I take my seat next to him.
"Woke up late, had to walk," I panted smiling cheerfully at him, "At least it's warm."
Percy laughed, "True it could be raining."
I shudder at the thought of having to walk here in the rain. "That wouldn't be fun," I say.
Percy suddenly looked at me with concern, "What happened to your lip?"
My hand lifts to my lip and feel that my lips is cut and bleeding. "Must be my soulmate, you know how I'm constantly getting bruises and cuts from him."
I've been getting all kinds of injuries ever since I was thirteen because of my soulmate. You know, cause of the whole whatever injury your soulmate gets you get thing. I've constantly had black eyes, cuts littering my body, strangely shaped bruises, and I just know my soulmates in trouble somewhere. All I want to do is his help him, save him from whatever or whom ever did this to him. Ive concluded the bruises were most likely from someone else, but the scars and cuts across his arms and thighs were likely self inflicted by my soulmates own hands.
"Holy shit dude, your arms," Percy said noticing my arms. I had rolled up my sleeves on my way here because of how hot I was and forgot to roll them back down when I arrived. My forearm was littered with fresh cuts that had appeared last night.
"Yeah I know," I say rolling my sleeve down, "I've got to find him and help him."
Oh and I've also known my soulmates is more than likely a boy because I've never felt any attraction to females, but always have to males. I came to the conclusion I was gay at a young age, but only my friends and family knew.
"Yeah you do," Percy says, looking at me warily.
"Mister Jackson, care to share whatever you were saying to Will with the class?" Mrs. Dods says, her bird like features smiling.
"Uhhh," Percy murmurs, knowing that Mrs.Dods was going to force him rather he wanted to or not, "Just talking about what happened to Wills lip. Another soulmate injury."
She raised her eyebrow at him, "You might want to go to the nurse and get that cleaned up Mister Solace."
"Yes ma'am," I say standing up and walking out before anything else could be said. I took my time walking down to the nurse, using the time to think about my soulmate. I wanted to find him and help him as soon as possible, but for all I know my soulmate lives all the way in Italy!
"Oh my what happened to your lip?" The nurse asks as I sit down on a chair in her office.
"Soulmate injury ma'am," I say. The amount of times i've had to come in here for soulmate injury's is unfathomable.
"That's so odd, I just had a the new boy get sent here with a very similar injury and same reason," she says as she begins cleaning it with some rubbing alcohol.
I hiss in pain as my lip stings from the liquid. "Really?" I say quite enthusiastically. Maybe this new boy is my soulmate. It's doubtful but not impossible.
She finished cleaning it up and put a butterfly bandage at the top of my lip to hold the deepest part together than sent me back to class. At this point it was second period so I headed to history.

I walk into lunch and find my friends already sitting at our usual table but a new boy was sitting there as well. He had shaggy black hair, that look effortlessly perfect and out of place, dark brown eyes that held so much depth so couldn't even describe it, and his lip has a large cut right across it. IT HAD A LARGE CUT RIGHT ACROSS JUSR LIKE MY LIPS.
"Oh my god," I say as I look across at the boy.
His eyebrows furrowed, "What are you looking at me like that for?"
I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Then I point to my lip and then to his, because I was at a loss for words. A look of understanding dawns on all my friends faces as they look between us.
"Holy shit," Jason says, his mouth open.
The boys face drops as he realizes what I was saying.
"Merda," he mumbles before jumping up and speed walking towards the doors. That was either not what he said at all and I'm just deaf, or another language.
"Wait!" I call after him as I run out the doors and towards him. "I think your my soulmate!" I say grabbing his arm to stop him.
He flinched away from touch, then crosses his arms across his chest. "Not likely," he says turning to walk away. I grab his shoulder to stop him and flinches hard as my hand touch's him.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," I say as it hits me whys he's flinching.
His face falls at my words but then I can visibly see his walls shoot right back up. "I'm not scared of you."
"I know what your going through, I get all of your injuries," I point to my lip.
"That's probably just a coincidence," he deflects.
I sigh as I roll up my sleeve revealing all of the cute and scars littering my arms. "Now do you believe me?"
His eyes trace my arms, I can see him pulling his arms closer to his chest. He bites his lower lip anxiously. "Sorry bout that dude, but i'm not the one," he says, although I can tell he's lying. His previously hard and strong voice was now soft and shaking slightly.
"Yes you are, and you know it," I plead.
"No," he says, in a barley audible voice.
"Yes," I grab his arm and force his sleeve up revealing his cut and scarred arm. I look at it sadly, although I've seen it a hundred times on my self, it breaks my heart to see it on him.
He snatches his arm back and rolls down his sleeve hurriedly. "Leave me alone," he snaps and runs off down the hall.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now