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"I seriously couldn't care less," I said dryly, crossing my arm across my chest defensively.
"If you don't participate you won't get better," a little girl who was probably about 13 said giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah Nico, your already here you might as well participate," Mrs. Stacy said with a shrug, "Can't do anymore harm."
I rolled my eyes, "I already had to go to anger management therapy today, so I don't see the point of having to come here as well."
"Just participate today and if it's as awful as you think it is than we won't bug you again," Mrs. Stacy Negotiates.
"Fine," I sigh.
"What's your most used self destructive behaviour, and what can you do to try and replace it?"
I think for a moment over the things we had went over that counted as a self destructive behaviour. I honestly could have said pretty much anything that had been mentioned, but after considering for a moment I realised I push everyone away. "I don't know I push people away a lot," I admit, chewing my bottom lip.
"Why do you push people away?" Someone asked though I didn't notice who.
"I don't know," I shrug taking a deep breath, "It's just easier that way you know. If you don't let them close they can hurt you."
"Well do you have anyone that you havnt pushed away?" Mrs. Stacey asked, leaning on the table.
"I've got a few friends at school I guess, but there only my friends because my boyfriend makes me talk to them."
"Well you have a boyfriend, so you haven't pushed him away," Becca chimes as if that was some big accomplishment.
I snickered, "Trust me I tried, but he's really stubborn."
"Yeah but when one of you find your soulmate you're fucked," a girl with long brown hair and very large eyelashes says bitterly.
"Well we are soulmates, so I don't have to worry about that," I say. I had never really thought about that, how some people date knowing they aren't soulmates, meaning if they find their soulmate while they're still together things would get messy.
"No your not," she laughed, "Just cause you feel that way doesn't mean you are. I mean come on you can't tell me you actually get each other's injuries."
"Yeah we do actually," I snap defensively.
"Oh yeah, when he picks you up prove it. I'm calling your bluff."
"It's not a bluff, so I'd be happy too," I snarl, feeling the muscles in my neck tense.
"Why do you think they aren't soulmates?" Becca interjects, sounding just as defensive as I had.
"People of the same sex can't be soulmates, so unless one of them are trans I won't believe it till he proves it," she retorts.
"Alright that's enough," Mrs. Stacey interrupts. "Your free to have your opinions, but there will be no arguing over them."
"Well what do you think?" The girl asks Mrs. Stacey.
"I believe that people of the same gender can be soulmates, I've only seen it a couple times but even if I hadn't Id still believe it. I've never seen Nicos boyfriend up close so I have no clue if he has the same scars on his face as Nico but I still believe him."
"Well if you havnt seen proof why would you just believe it? I mean this is a mental hospital, he's probably delusional."
"Rain!" Mrs. Stacey snapped, "I've seen how much they care for each other so even if it's proved they aren't scientifically soulmates I do not doubt they will be together for a long long time."
"Yeah sure," Rain scoffed.
"Alright back to Nico though, what do you think you can do to stop yourself from pushing people away?"
"I don't know, just not do that?" I say sardonically.
Everyone laughed, though i didn't think it was that funny.
"Well yes, but maybe try just letting people become more like acquaintance and than slowly let people get closer to you?"
"Thats a lot easier said than done," I mumble, "But sure, whatever."
The rest of the time went by fairly quickly, and before I knew it we were walking out side.
"So where's your so called soulmate?" Rain said, using air quotations around the word 'soulmate'.
I see Wills car and motion for him to come over. Will steps out of the car and starts walking over, a look of confusion on his face.
"Everything alright?" Will said striding up next to me.
"See, we have the same scars on our face," I say to Rain, narrowing my eyes at her.
"Are you seriously proving you guys are soulmates to her?" Becca sighs in exasperation.
"That could just be a coincidence," Rain retorts.
"Will show the back of you hand," I order, and he does as I said though he looked extremely confused. I grab Wills keys out of his hand and scratch the back of my hand.
"What the hell Nico!" Will said snatching his keys back and than grabbing my hand. I grab his hand and hold it out to Rain, showing the scratch on his hand.
"Well now do you believe it?" Becca snapped.
Rains jaw dropped to the floor. "W-What? Ho-How!" She stammered pointing at our hands.
"Soulmates," I say between clenched teeth. I don't know why I had felt so inclined to prove it to her, but I did. Maybe I just didn't appreciate being told i'm just delusional.
"Why'd you do that?" Will said still holding my hand which was now bleeding slightly. I hadn't meant to really cut my hand at all, just break the skin a little. To be honest I didn't even feel it, so I'm surprised I drew any blood even if it's only a little.
"She didn't believe we were soulmates, so I had to prove it to her," I answer.
"So you cut your hand?" Will snapped.
"It's barley bleeding, it's not deep so I don't count that as a cut it's a scratch," I retort defensively.
"Same difference, you still hurt yourself."
I noticed Rain was still sitting there gobsmacked, staring at our hands like they had just fallen off and grew back.
"Close your mouth, bugs are gonna fly in there," Becca snickered.
"Let's go home," I say to Will.
"Okay," he replies as we go back to the car and go home.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now