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"Nico, for the love of God!" I say in exasperation, "You need to do your schoolwork!"
"Why? I'm suspended, if they don't want me there why do I still have to do their fucking work?" Nico retorted as if it was the most obvious thing he'd ever said.
"Because then when you go back in a couple weeks, your gonna have all this makeup work to do. Wouldn't you rather just get it done now?"
He rolled his eyes, "You really think that if I don't do it now, I'm gonna do it then?"
"Nico, your gonna fail out of Junior year and have to retake it if you don't do your damn work!"
"Fine, mom," Nico mocked, grabbing his backpack from beside his bed.
"Thank you," I say, leaning in and kissing his forehead.
He kept his scowl but I saw his cheeks flush pink, though he tried to hide it. He really was the most adorable thing Ive ever seen. I seriously don't know how I got so lucky to have him. I mean yeah he had his flaws, but that's what I love about him. Not to mention he's really hot, like male model hot.

"I'm already bored," Nico groaned.
"It's been ten minutes, stop being dramatic," I say back, trying to hide a smile.
"I'm not dramatic," he mumbled, barley loud enough for it to be considered audible.
"Yeah yeah," I chuckle, smiling at him.
He gave me a death glare, but thankfully not his real death glare but just his playful one. I feel bad for anyone who ends up on the other end of one of his death death glares. Whenever it happens I wouldn't be surprised if skeletons crawled out of the ground and attacked the other person.
We worked for another hour or so, Nico complaint the whole time. He still got most of his work done, though he copied me on everything up to the present; that I made him do on his own.
"I'm done with this shit," Nico said happily throwing his bag across the room. Coming from most peoples mouth that statement always sounds frustrated or angry but he managed to make it sound victorious.
"Good job Neeks," I said kissing the top of his nose, causing him to turn the shade of pink roses.
He murmured something than threw him self back on the bed his head landing perfectly in one of my pillows. I lay down next to him and he put his arm across my chest. We lay there for awhile, me just playing with hair and rubbing his back, only moving when my mom announced that dinner was ready.

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