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Nico wasn't at school, and he wasn't answering his phone. I was getting really nervous. It's been 3 days since his Dad dragged him out of the hospital yelling at the nurses and calling them a few choice words. I even tried to cyberstock his sister down to check on him with no luck.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked as Percy was basically dragging me down Nicos street.
"This is the last thing we should do but we need to make sure that he's still alive," Percy answered.
"Yeah I know," I sigh.
This was our plan like Z, we both know first hand how did dad felt about unplanned visitors but we had a good reason that would hopefully calm him down. We got Nicos work from the day and class notes that we would say we were just trying to drop off quickly.
As we approached the gate and pressed the door bell I noticed that his Dads work car wasn't in the drive way which meant he hopefully wasn't home. As we sat there waiting I admired the black corvette that was parked in front of a garage. I've never seen in move so I don't think his dad ever drives it, and I wondered why. It was a shame to have such a nice car just sitting around.
"Hello?" Hazels voice sounded through the intercom.
"Hazel!" I exclaimed, "Can we come in for just like two minutes?"
"Uhhh," she paused, "I guess."
The gate swung open and Percy and I hurried up the drive way to the front door. Hazel opened it with an unreadable expression.
"What do you need?" Hazel asked.
"Is Nico ok?" I asked hastily.
"Define 'ok'?" Hazel grimaced.
I felt like the air had been taken from my lungs. "Alive? I know he's not physically doing great cause of the whole soulmate thing but is he like breathing?" I stammered out in one breath.
"Yes," Hazel answered.
"Can we see him?" Percy asked.
Hazel paused looking in the drive way. "Really fast in case he gets home early."
"Wait here," I told Percy.
I began to basically run up the stairs to his room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.
"Go away Hazel, I already told you I'm not hungry," Nicos voice sounded raspy and low.
"It's Will, let me in," I demanded, trying to open the door but it was locked.
I heard foot steps and the click of a lock, so I opened the door snd saw Nico limping back over to his bed. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt with the hood up.
"Are you ok!" I exclaimed, following him over to his bed. He sat back down on his bed and pulled the covers over his face.
"I'm fine," he mumbled through the fabric.
"I know that's a lie, i've had a two black eyes and cutes and bruises all over my body since saturday," I said grabbing the comforter and pulling it from his face. His eyes were blood shot and it looked like he was having trouble keeping them open.
"Sorry," Nico mumbled, turning away for me.
I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back to face me, he gasped in pain and jerked his shoulder away from me.
"Oh shit, sorry," I stammered pulling my hand away quickly.
"It's fine," he groaned reaching up and touching his shoulder and wincing.
"What happened?" A asked quietly examining his features. Somehow his face looked even more shadowed in sunken in then before. I was just hoping it was the horrible lighting, well lack of, in his room.
He chuckled but it looked like it caused him pain so he stopped. "What do you think? My dad."
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"He wasn't happy about the little hospital visit."
"It wasn't your fault!" I say defensively.
"In his eyes it was, and it wasn't even that. The nurse confronted him about my, err, legs, and he got mad."
"I'm sorry," I say, chewing my bottom lip.
"Not your fault, but you need to go," Nico answered.
"No, Im staying," I say definitely, I wanted to stay and just hold him and help him feel better.
"No your not," Nico said forcibly, "You can't unless you want to make things worse."
I knew he had a point, but I still didn't want to leave. I stared into his eyes and did the thing I've wanted to do for so long. I kissed him.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now