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"The principal wants you in his office Nico," Mr.Brunner said, patting me on the back as if to say "good luck"(which wasn't very reassuring).
"Uhh why?" I ask, even though I already knew his answer.
"Didn't say."
I noticed Jason and Will giving me nervous glances from across the room.
"Great," I murmur, standing up and heading out of the classroom.
I swear if this is about Octavian at lunch I'm gonna loose it. I thought as I opened the door leading to the offices.
I glanced into the window of the Mr. Chirons office and saw him sitting, there staring back at me already. I noticed our schools security guard was sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desks. He motioned for me to enter his office, so I opened the door and walked in.
"You wanted to see me sir?" I say politely, though I could feel like hands shaking. I've never had great relationships with authority, especially principals. The last time I was called to a principals office I was expelled, and the security guard was not making me think this one would go any differently.
"Yes, please sit down," Mr. Chirons had a friendly smile and kind eyes, but that didn't make me any less nervous.
"Uhh why am I here?" I ask, looking cautiously between the two men.
"We've been hearing some, uh, disturbing rumours going around the school," The security guard said. His badge read "Aaron", which I found slightly odd but didn't question it.
I bit down on my lower lip. "There just rumours sir, i've heard of them too," A respond, trying to sound as confident as possible. I figured if i looked nervous they might find that suspicious.
"We were just wondering what the root of these rumours are?" Mr. Chiron leaned onto his desk, "I've been a principal for a long time, and I've learned that rumours like those don't just get made up."
"We also tried to contact your parents but with no luck," The security guard added.
"Uhh," I didn't know if I should tell them about what had happened saturday or not. "Saturday some guys from my old school attacked me, with knifes and one of them stabbed me. I guess someone happened to be there and saw," I say truthfully, deciding telling the truth was probably safer. I mean they could just call the police and they could tell them what happened so it was pointless to try and hide it from them.
"Oh really? And why did we not hear of this?" The security guard raised his eyebrows accusingly.
"If you were stabbed, is that why you have not been at school the past two days? But why aren't you still in the hospital if this happened only about 5 days ago?" Mr. Chiron asked sharply, as if accusing me of lying.
"I don't know why, and because it was in my leg," I say quickly, hoping they'll just let me leave now.
"You don't seem to have a leg injury?" Mr. Chiron added raising an eyebrow.
"Do you wanna see or something?" I say, well more like snap back.
"Yes, actually." I stood up and put my foot on the chair, lifting up my jeans to reveal my bandaged leg.
"Is there any chance you could remove the bandage?" The security guard asked, examining my leg.
"Why?" I snap back, getting extremely frustrated with this.
"It's just we need to make sure, considering your rap sheet," the security guard said calmly, although I could tell he was getting aggravated.
"Fine," I say through gritted teeth. I unwrap the bandage and reveal the stitches in my calf.
The two men look between each other as if having a silent conversation.
"We're assuming that a police report was made?" Mr. Chiron asked as I wrapped the bandages back around my leg.
"Yes, you wanna call and check now too?" I say rolling my eyes at him.
"Please wait out in the office," he responded, narrowing his eyes at me.
"Sure," I mumble walking out and sitting in one of the waiting rooms chairs.
I heard the bell ring and the halls were filling with students, all staring at me through the windows. I put the hood of my sweatshirt over my head, as if that could keep people from noticing me. I heard the office door open and turned to see Will, Jason, and Percy walking over to me.
"What happened?" Jason asked, looking me over as if trying to read if I was in trouble.
"They heard the stupid rumours about me, and seem to not believe that I was the one stabbed and not the other way around," I say grumpily.
Will sat next to me and tried to hold my hand, but I crossed my arms before he got the chance.
"That's stupid! Why didn't you just show them your leg?" Percy said so loud everyone else in the office area turned to look at him.
"Well they did make me show them, and then they still wanted to call the police station to see the police report or something," I inform them, sighing dramatically.
"They are seriously believing high school rumours?" Will said, frustration evident in his voice.
"That's what I thought!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up.
"I'm calling my mom, maybe she can do something," Will said pulling out his phone.
"No don't, this is my problem don't drag her in to this," I say pushing Wills phone down. He didn't listen though because before I knew it he was dialling his mom and talking to her.
"What are you three doing in here?" Mr. Chiron said walking out of his office and noticing my friends.
"We were just checking on our friend sir," Jason said respectfully.
"You can't be serious though, believing high school rumours!" Percy exclaimed jumping up out of his seat.
"This is none of you business Mr. Jackson," Mr. Chiron snapped at him.
"He's one of my best friends, so yes it is!" Percy retorted.
"Just drop it Percy," I mumble, standing up next to him.
"I just talked to my mom, she's on her way. She said to tell you not to talk to them again until she's here," Will said walking up next me.
"The three of you need to get to class, Mr. Di Angelo please come back into my office," Mr. Chiron said, completely ignoring Will.
"I'm not leaving, and you heard what my mom said. She doesn't want him talking to anyone until she gets here," Will said, in a surprisingly respectful way considering he was basically telling him no go fuck your self.
"I don't know why your mom would be coming," Mr. Chiron said, narrowing his eyes at Will. "Just get to class kid."
"I'm sorry sir, but I won't be leaving Nico until my mother gets here," Will responded.
My eyes were wide at Will, he never talks back to a teacher.
"Just go to class guys, i'm fine," I sigh, motioning for them to leave.
Percy and Jason left, but Will was still firmly standing next to me.
"My mom will be here soon, don't worry," Will mumbled in my ear.
"Great," I huff sardonically.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now