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The final bell rang and everyone filled out of there classes and to their lockers, trying to get out of school as quickly as possible.
"How's Nico?" Annabeth asked walking up beside Percy and I.
"He's doing better than I would have thought," I tell her as we approach our lockers. I grabbed everything I would need for my homework and then moved on to Nicos locker to get him everything he would need as well.
"Isn't this that one kid who kicked Octavian's ass locker?" some girl with strawberry blonde hair asked me as I grabbed his books.
"Oh yeah, I'm getting his books for him," I tell her, smiling politely.
"I'd be careful going through that guys shit, Id be scared he'd kick my ass if I were you," one of her friends say raising an eyebrow at me.
"Oh he's my boyfriend so I'm not too worried," I laugh. I felt a little uncomfortable having like three girls just crowded around me like this, though I assumed they were just trying to be nice because they knew this wasn't my locker.
The girl with dark skin scoffs, "I doubt that."
Okay, now these girls are getting on my nerves. "What?" I ask.
"No way a guy that hot is gay, I don't care if you pull the soulmate card on me I won't believe it," the blonde snickers.
"And who are you?" I snap at her, not exactly sure why I was getting so defensive.
"My names Ashton, you are?" she cocks her head at me while crossing her arms across her chest.
"I'm Will, Nicos boyfriend and sorry to tell you but I am pulling the 'soulmate card'. And I don't care if you don't believe that or not," a say firmly, slamming the locker closed.
"Yeah sorry but we're not buying it," Ashton says as they all laugh.
"And we happen to know where he lives because it just so happened he's fucking rich, and lives in that big ass house in Village. So maybe we should go stop by and let him know that some guy was taking shit from his locker and claiming to be dating him," the brunette drawled, seemingly very proud of herself.
"Yeah good luck with that," I murmur as I push through them. I start down the hall way trying to get away from the three girls but they follow me down the hall.
"Hey Will!" Percy calls from only a few feet away. "Uh are you ready to go?" he eyed all the girls curiously. Annabeth followed shortly after him looking at them all as if sizing up an opponent.
"Yeah if these girls will stop following me," I say annoyed, "But they seem convinced that they need to tell Nico that some guy was grabbing things from locker and than was claiming to be his boyfriend."
"Oh come on," Annabeth rolled her eyes, "I know you girls just feed on drama and dick but Will is Nicos boyfriend so he's not gonna have a problem."
"I just found his snapchat, when he adds me back I'm telling him some blonde guy named Will was in his locker," one said quietly to the other.
"Feel free to follow us home because Nico lives with Will," Annabeth snaps at them all in frustration.
"Oh yeah I'm sure he does," Ashton rolls her eye laughing to her friends.
"We should follow just to call her bluff," they agree and continue to follow us out to Annabeths car.
As we get in a I say, "I swear if they actually follow us to my house I'm going to kill you Annabeth."
"It'll be funny though, Id love to see their faces when Nicos actually there," she laughs starting the car.
"Why do they care so much anyways?" Percy asks.
"Apparently I guy that hot can't be gay," I mimic the girls rolling my eyes in frustration.
"I knew they just liked him," Annabeth murmurs.
Finally we get back to my house, the three girls actually following behind us in a white jeep. As we get out and go to the front door they come strolling up behind us.
"I told you Nico wasn't here," the brunette snickers, "A guy that rich has to have like jaguar or a corvette or something, I only see I beat up ford and a honda."
I unlock the door and step in, "Hey Nico can you come down stairs!"
"What the fuck i'm right here, thanks for blowing my eardrums," Nico says sardonically from the coach.
"Oh sorry, your normally up in your room."
"Why the fuck are these wannabe barbies here?" Nico scowls as the girls as they walk in with there jaws on the floor.
"We told you," Percy says laughing hysterically.
"Why the fuck, how the-" Ashton murmurs. "Don't you live in that big mansion in the village?"
"Why is it talking to me," Nico says bordly to me.
"He did live there but he lives with me now," I say smirking and trying not to join Percy in laughter. He was now rolling on the ground crying laughing while Annabeth rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh but your not gay, your too hot," the brunette says sitting down right next to him and putting her hand on his thigh. He flinched away from her touch but she seemed to ignore it.
"Move the hand or loose the hand," Nico growls.
She whipped her hand away quickly. "Who the fuck are you guys even."
"Oh I'm Riley and that's Ashton and Brook," the girl said batting her eyelashes at him. The other two girls come and sit around us too. Nico moved even closer to me out of discomfort.
"Great, now leave," Nico growls grabbing my hand.
"Holy shit, you actually think your gay?" Ashton huffs seeing him grab my hand.
"Oh i read people well, your not gay baby," Brook smiles at him.
I was surprised at how bold they were being to him, especially when it was quite obvious he already hated them.
"Yes I fucking am, now you whores need to get out before I punch you all," Nico snaps in a low voice, the muscles in his neck were pulsing.
They all looked thrown back and slightly hurt.
"You may think so now but don't worry I'll fix you," Ashton said, standing up. They other girls followed her.
"Yeah good luck with that," Percy added still laughing.
Nico jumped up and stomped to the door opening it, "If I have to say it one more time I'm going to throw you all out the door, get the fuck out," Nico literally yelled, causing everyone to jump but me.
"I'll see you later," Ashton purred as they walked out the door.

Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now