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A/N: I'm so so so so sorry i haven't been posting often, I'm going through a rough patch in my life rn and haven't had the motivation or the creative energy. I didn't want to put out any half ass shit and would have rather waited for me to be in a better place mentally and creatively. I hope you all understand :)

"Well there's nothing I can do about it now," I groan, tired of Wills complaining. At this point I felt completely numb, my completely healthy coping mechanism that helps me not want to off my self.
"You were just defending your self! You shouldn't have gotten in so much trouble!" Will exclaimed for about the hundredth time.
"Yeah I know, but schools never see it that way," I shrug.
"Well what am I supposed to do at school without you for a month!" Will pouts, finally plopping down on his bed next to me.
"I think you'll survive," I tease, as Will buries his face in my chest dramatically.
"No I won't," he mumbles, pulling himself over so that he's laying on top of me.
"Yes you will," I chuckle as I start running my hand through his blonde curls.
He sighs loudly but says nothing else as he lays on my chest, my hands in his hair. I hate to admit it, but I've really fallen for him faster than I had expected. I felt at complete bliss just laying there with him on me.


I woke to someone lightly shaking me awake.
"Dinners ready," Will smiled down at me as I opened my eyes.
I turned and noticed it was almost 7, which meant I had been asleep for at least 2 hours.
We headed down stairs and the smell of chicken filled my nose. Wills mom was notorious for cooking pretty extravagant meals whenever she's upset.
"I made a chicken parm, with garlic and caesar salad," she said as we walked into the kitchen.
"It smells good Mom," Will praised, grabbing us both a plate.
"Yeah it does," I add. It did look really good, but I really don't have an appetite at the moment, seeing a just got a months suspension for a fight I didn't even start. And not to mention have to talk to my old parole officer and shit tomorrow.
Will started to pass me a plate piled with food, but read my expression quickly. "Your not hungry are you?" Will asked in a hushed tone, setting the plates down and replacing them with my hands.
"No. . ." I mumbles, chewing my bottom lip. I felt bad, I had been doing better and now I can already feel my mental health deteriorating before my eyes.
"You need eat at least something," Wills mom said, giving me a sympathetic look but I still know there would be no negotiation.
As good as the food looked, the thought of eating it made me gag in its self. My stomach turned as she holder me a plate with the smaller chicken breast there was, which was still far to big.
"Just eat that," she stated, as we sat down at the kitchen table.
I took a deep breath as I stared at the piece of cheesy meat in front of me. Will kept his hand soothingly on my thigh cause he could tell this was going to be hard for me to do. I slowly rose the chicken to my mouth a took a bite. I grimaced as I swallowed, it felt like I had just took a nice bite of a brick not chicken. I slowly took another bite after a minute or so. It took me nearly an hour to eat not even half of the chicken.
"I can't eat anymore," I finally admit, not looking in either of there directions.
"You need too, you haven't ate anything else today," Wills mom, Naomi, says.
I felt like the lump of cement in my stomach was about ready to come back up my throat. I stood up as calmly as I could and hurried to the bathroom, my hand over my mouth as soon as I was out of sight. I slammed the bathroom door shut and within a second I was yacking up everything in my stomach.
"Nico?" Will called from down the hall, probably worried about how I ran out like that.
I heard his footsteps quicken towards the bathroom, and he flung the door open dropping to my side.
He immediately started trying to pull my hair back, and pulled my hoodies string around my neck.
I didn't think I was ever going to stop throwing up, at this point I was just throwing up the acids in my stomach which burned my throat raw. Will rubbed my back and whispered soothing things I only half heard.
When I was sure I was done, I wiped my mouth my sleeve as I sat back and leaned back on the bathroom wall. Will pulled me into him running his hands through my hair.
"I'm sorry," I murmur, tears stinging my eyes.
He pulled me closer, "It's okay darling," Will said tucking my head under his chin.
We sat there for around 30 minutes, Will holding me as close to him as possible as I tried not to cry.


Battle Wounds: Solangelo Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now