Chapter 13

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DAY 11

Jayme's POV

It was film day! I hopped out of bed and took my meds before getting dressed and heading down to breakfast.

And as always, I stop to talk to Mr. Andrews for a little bit, asking him the daily question. But unlike normal, he seemed kinda down.

"What's bothering you, Mr. Andrews?" I asked him. I couldn't stand to see him upset.

"My son was going to come down and visit for a short time but something came up at his work and he had to stay behind, I haven't seen him or my grandkids in several years and I don't know how numbered my days are..."

"This may sound strange but, where does your son work?" I ask him.

"He works for a newspaper called 'Dexter's Ink' in a small town. The newspaper is everywhere so his boss isn't Dexter, if you get what I mean." He tells me. 

"What's your son's name? I don't think you've ever said." I ask him, a plan formulating in my head.

"Benjamin, or Ben. My little Benny." Mr. Andrews says, the name making him smile.

"Oh, what a lovely name. Well, I need to run off and do something real quick, I hope to see you later, Mr. Andrews." I tell him, waving. I could barely contain my smile.

Why, you ask? Because Dexter's Ink is the company that my "cousin," Dexter, owns. How lucky is that?! I grew up in the orphanage with him and we kept in touch.

I quickly run into the breakfast area and grab something to eat. I watch as everyone, and I mean everyone at once, comes in and I quickly give all of them a hug, holding Damien for just a little longer than everyone else.

"Ian, I need your help with something." I tell him, unable to contain my excitement. I tell them about how I want to talk to my cousin about getting Benjamin out here. Ian has met my cousin before when he came to the hospital to see me. Both he and Ian got along, both knowing the pressures of owning an expanding business.

"I think that would be a great idea, but remember the time zones. I also have to say that you have a big heart. I never thought that on a trip like this, you'd meet an old man who you would adore." Ian teases me.

"The Andrew's Project." I name my plan.

We share a laugh and then glance at the time. 

"Oh, crap! We gotta go!" I shout, everyone hustled to the vans and we took off towards the set.


The cameras were rolling and we were playing a giant version of operation. This was the fifth challenge in the series and I think we were all excited for this challenge.

One teammate was chosen from each team as the surgeon, the other people on the team would have to sit under "biohazardous goop." Anytime the surgeon hit the side, one person would be covered in goop. The surgeon had 5 chances to get as many body parts out as possible. 

The gloves that the surgeons had to wear were slimy and gross, making it harder to grab the items. and the tongs were separated so you had to use both hands.

"Like how white people use chopsticks, got it." I say, making everyone erupt in laughter.

Team ToxiciTEA chose Mari to be their surgeon and we chose Damien to be ours.

Mari was up first so my team and I stood behind the other team where we held the ropes to the buckets of goop. I had gotten the bucket with Wes under it.

Mari went first and her item was "water on the knee." Damien started screaming as if he was the patient which made me laugh. Maru ended up getting the wooden item which caused Shayne to start freaking out. We laughed at his overreaction as Matt gave Mari her next item. He told her "Charlie Horse" and I knew that someone was going to get slimed this round. She did end up hitting the side so Courtney got to slime Shayne. Some of it got on Wes which was funny. 

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