Chapter 26

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DAY 18

Damien's POV

"Okay, in order for the plan to work, you have to stay here until I text you. The Andrews family will be here in about 20 minutes so it shouldn't be that long." I tell him.

"Okay, sounds good. And I hope you're right about her being happy to see me." He says.

"I know she will. And I can't wait to see her reaction to you and then the ring." I say, accidentally letting my surprise slip.

"The 'ring?'" Dex asks, wide-eyed.

"It's not what you think! It's just a small gift for her, it's the whole reason why she and Mr. Andrews got so close." I explain.

"Ohhhh, okay. I had always wondered how they got close." He said.

I left him in the room and headed down to where everyone was.

"There you are! You had me worried that you weren't going to be here in time to greet Ben and his family! You got the drinks?" Jay asked me, giving me a quick hug.

I nod my head and place the drinks down on the table. 


Jayme's POV

It had been a few minutes since Damien got back and Joven was currently distracting Mr. Andrews out in the lobby. Ian had gone to pick up Ben and his family and bring them through the back entrance.  

I won't lie, I was really nervous. I didn't want anything to go bad. I guess Courtney had noticed my unease because she was walking over to me.

"Girl, chill. Everything is going to go just fine!" She said and gave me a quick hug.

"Thanks, Court." I say, leaning into her hug. Our hug was interrupted by my phone going off.

IanPadillia - Hey, we just pulled into the motel parking lot! Get everyone ready!

"Okay, everybody! They just pulled into the motel parking lot!" I started, I could feel everyone get more excited by the minute.

Eventually, the family came in and Ina brought them over to me.

"It's so good to finally meet you, thank you so much for doing this for me and my family." Ben shakes my hand with a heartful smile.

"No problem, and it's good to finally meet you. Your Dad speaks very highly of you and your family." I say, returning his smile.

He moves away and his wife comes up and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She says causing me to laugh. She pulls out and smiles at me. "My name's Melissa and these are our kids, Mallory and Will." She says, pulling her two kids close. I give them a quick and loving hello and they return the gesture. 

"Is everything ready?" Mari asks. 

"Yes! Wes, text Joven and tell him to bring Mr. Andrews here in a couple of minutes. Court, you have the "Surprise!" banner. And Shayne, you have the lights!" I quickly stated.

We hid Ben, Melissa, Mallory, and Will behind the couch and all got into position. We told them to stay there until we announce them. Shayne was at the lights and Courtney was holding the rope for the banner. 

A few moments later the door swings open and I hear Mr. Andrews' voice.

"I still don't understand why I needed--" "Surprise!!!" 

Shayne flipped on the lights and Courtney pulled the rope releasing the "Surprise!" banner.

"Oh my goodness-- What's all this for?!" Mr. Andrews smiled at the sight before him.

You're My Cinderella - Damien Haas X Reader - Smosh Summer Games ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now