Chapter 17

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(The ring again if you have forgotten.)

DAY 13

I had just gotten done with getting changed when I stepped out of the bathroom. Everyone from the team, minus Sarah, Ian, Matt, and Damien, were there.

"What's going on?" I ask them, a bit nervous about the answer.

"We just, wanted you to know what was going through our heads when you... you know..." Mari said.

"Yeah... I still feel like a horrible human being for that. The plan was for me to not respond but then pop up after Ian started the sponsor speech and then I would do a PSA. It wasn't supposed to go that far. I was going to pop up and tell you all that I was okay after Sophie 'pronounced me dead' because that was too far but when Damien spoke up... I froze..." I explain.

"I won't lie, I was crying... and I was upset that you pulled that heavy of a prank but we deserved it for target pranking you...." Noah said.

"It's just... we all talked while you were in the shower and we decided to come up here and tell you what was going through our heads when that was happening. I think you'll want to hear it." Joven said.

Olivia told me that even though we've known each other since she started working there, we never really did anything out of the office and she wanted to change that. She felt guilty that she wasn't a better friend to me. I felt guilty for not being more of her friend.

Mari had said that she felt as if she had taken me for granted. She said it was my attitude and effort that kept things moving so smoothly in the office and that without me, she wouldn't be the person she was today and would most likely be in a different profession by now if it wasn't for me and my impact on the company and her.

Courtney cried halfway through her speech. She told me how her heart broke when she thought she lost me and how she wished that she had done something sooner. She told me how she thought of me as a sister because we've shared an office since she was hired. I told her that I thought of her as a sister too. 

I haven't spent as much time with these girls on the trip as I should be, but now that I'm aware of it, I can change it. All of us girls agreed to have a girl's night soon.

Joven and Lasercorn cried too, they both told me how they thought of me as their little sister, especially after our conversation in the van. They both were scared that they wouldn't get to see me grow up more and it hurt them. They both were upset when it all turned out to be a prank but they were okay with that because they'd rather have the prank than for that to actually happen.

Shayne regretted that he didn't know me better too. I was the one who hired him and took him in and he felt as if he had never given me a proper thank you and that he was scared that he would never have the chance. And just like Mari, he felt as if he took my effort in the office for granted. He told me how much my smile would liven up the office and how things wouldn't be the same without me.

Wes, Noah, and Keith couldn't tell me how they felt, they just held me close, unable to express in words how they felt. Wes told me that I was a part of their family and they loved me as their friend. Each of them held onto me, afraid of letting go even though they knew I was alright.

By the end of everyone's confessions, I was crying. I didn't know they thought of me in these ways. I quickly brought them all into a hug again. Telling them how much I appreciate each and every one of them. I told them I was sorry for the prank because it made me feel bad too. I loved these people, they were my family. I've grown with them and they've made me better people. I told them that at this moment, I've learned that I've taken them for granted too. I promised them that I wasn't going to anymore and that I was going to never go to prank them that way again.

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