Chapter 19

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DAY 14

Damien's POV

We both ended up finishing our shopping a little early, both of us did buy a few things but that was it. Jay got herself a plushie giraffe that has a tag on the ear which she's going to write "Smosh Summer Games: Apocalypse!", she also got some new lipstick and some hairspray. I got myself a new hoodie and a Squirtle pop figure, and just like Jay, I got a plushie elephant that has a tag that I'll write on later. We recorded most of the shopping.

Jay had to take another stop at the bathroom so I took out my phone and glanced to see if I have any messages from the jewelry place but all I saw are texts from my friends, asking how things were going. I quickly put them all in a group chat that way I could text everyone at the same time.

Group Chat created by Damien Haas

Damien - Hey guys, just created this to let you guys know all at once cuz I'm too lazy to reply to all of you individually. The day's going absolutely amazing so far! We've only gone shopping at the mall so far but we decided to save most of our money for later. How's it back over at the hotel?

Ian - It's chill, we're all going to watch a movie, still arguing about which one though lol.

Courtney - Save money for later? What's later? 😉😉

Mari - Yeah, what's the deal with that??

Damien - I'm going to take her out on a date tonight, we were going to wait until we got back home but... 

Wes - Aww! Ever the romantic! ❤️

Lasercorn - You break her heart, I break you.

Sarah - I was waiting for some type of Dad message to show up. 😂

Joven - I second what Lasercorn said but also have a good time!

Noah - Ah, I get it. I date you don't have to pay for! Smart lol.

Damien - Exactly! We can order whatever we want and not feel bad about it!

Matt - Just please no alcohol...

Damien - Don't worry, neither of us are drinkers.

Ian - Remember we're filming tomorrow so don't be out late.

Olivia - Yes, because the girls and I are going to stay up until she gets back that way we get all the details.

I laughed at my phone as the texts kept flooding in. It wasn't until my phone started vibrating from a call that I was brought back to reality. I quickly answered the phone, having an idea of who it was.

The call was short and simple and exactly what I thought it was. The ring was done and ready to be picked up. I knew Jay would be back shortly so I knew I couldn't run over and get it just yet. I remembered that the restaurant was right across from the shop so I knew I would have to come up with something.

"Hey, Dames. I'm all good. What's next?" Jay asked approaching me, pulling my attention to her. I quickly look at my watch and find it to be 5:49 PM.

"Well, it is about dinner time so how about I take you on that date to that nice restaurant here?" I smirk at her.

"That sounds really nice. Lead the way!" She loops her arm around mine while I balance the bags in my other hand. The bags! Ha! Idea!

"Hey, actually, how about you wait here while I go put these bags in the car? That way they aren't in the way during dinner." I ask her.

You're My Cinderella - Damien Haas X Reader - Smosh Summer Games ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now