Chapter 2

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Jayme's POV

We were all meeting in the lobby this morning so that we could assign teams and roommates. I walk into the building and before I know it, I'm in a hug with my name being screamed by two people; Sarah and Courtney. I knew Sarah fairly well and we worked really well together but, like the others, our relationship was professional.

Everyone looked my way, and I mean everyone - I was the last one to arrive.

"There you are! Now that you're here we'll start with assigning teams!" Matt exclaims.

Courtney and Sarah let me go finally and I put my stuff near everyone else's.

I get a few "Glad you could be here!" and "I'm so excited to have you with us!" from the group which made me really happy. I send a quick smile and wave to everyone, lingering on Damien a little longer than everyone else.

Ok. I admit it. I have a huge crush on Damien. How could you not? He's so adorable and lovable! He is so kind and caring and just plain amazing.

I have a feeling that Courtney knows about my crush but I won't verbally admit it, that just scares me. Dating scares me just a little, now that I'm older there is so much pressure to find "the one." And sometimes, that's extra pressure that I don't need.

"Ok, so imma draw names out of the hat and then assign you your team. You obviously will be rooming with your teammates too." Matt explained as he reaches into the hat.

"First off on team 1 we have... Joven!" Matt shouted.

"First player on team 2 is... Noah!

"Back to team 1... Wes!

"Team 2... Damien!

"Team Uno... Mari!

"Team Dos... I think... is Courtney!"

"Team 1, because I don't know any other language... Shayne!

"Team 2... Lasercorn!

"Team 1 once again... Ian!

"Team 2... the newbie, Jay!

"Last team member on team 1 is... Olivia! Which puts Keith on Team 2!

We all cheered loud for our teams but I was happy that I was on a team with Courtney and Damien, makes life just a little easier.

"Now for our team names and shirts! We have team 1... the ToxiciTEA! And our team 2... Mushroom Clout!" Sarah tosses us our shirts as we all cheer and shout. Our team's color was pink while the other team's was green.

"Our guest referee is Ryan Todd! So let's give him a warm welcome!" Matt says. We all clap as he comes out from the side. He gives us all a high-five and then Matt gives him a paper that he just wrote on.

"Roommates will be Joven with Ian, Shayne with Wes, and Mari with Olivia! The other team roommates are Jay, Courtney, and Sarah, Noah with Keith, Lasercorn with Damien, and Me with Matt!" Ryan states.

Once again we all cheer and holler. It was refreshing to know that everyone was excited even off camera. We quickly gathered our things and put them into the back of the van. There were two vans as we were in a big group so it was first come first serve. And of course, me not caring where I sat. Ended up in the back of the second van with Damien next to me.

This was going to be a long drive...


The entire drive was quiet except for the occasional snack request. I had my headphones in and my sketchbook out. I was just drawing random things to pass the time but I ended up putting it all together to create a big picture.

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