Chapter 10

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Courtney's POV

I hear my alarm go off and I groan and try to snooze it. Unfortunately, we have to film today even though we filmed yesterday but it's whatever. I quickly grabbed my stuff and left to go back to my room when I passed by the movie room.

Remembering what went on last night, I peeked in to see Jay and Damien both sleeping on the couch, cuddling. I quickly run up to our room and change. I grab some clothes for Jay and her to-go bag and run back to the movie room.

I take a quick picture of them before waking both of them up.

"Hey... wake up you two. It's film day." I shake them.

"If you pour ice water on us, I swear I will kill you." Damien warns me, still not letting go of Jay or opening his eyes.

Jay finally wakes up and sees the position she is in and blushes madly. I hold out her clothes for her.

"Hurry go change, we gotta eat and then we gotta run to set." I tell her. She finally gets up, much to Damien's displeasement, and goes to the bathroom across the hall to change. She comes back out in her signature outfit and points to her face.

"They have makeup and hair on set today because some of the people did a challenge yesterday and Ian asked them to stay for today knowing that we were all going to be a little more tired than normal as we had back-to-back shooting." I tell her.

She shakes Damien awake and he gets up reluctantly and goes to get dressed. We both grab some fruit for the ride there and get in the van. The girls join us moments later, all of us in our clothes but no makeup.


Jay's POV

The girls asked about the details of the movie night and I tell them everything. I was so happy that he liked me back but it begged the question of 'what we were now.' I guess I'll have to talk to him about that soon. I saw everyone else arriving so I had to shush the girls' squealing.

We make it to the set and the girls and I get our hair and makeup done. The lady commented on how I was a little pale but I blamed it on the fact that I wasn't wearing makeup yet and I don't spend much time outside unless I'm swimming. I thank the people who did it as they originally weren't supposed to and they gave me a humble, 'your welcome.'

I jump out of the high chair and walk a few steps when I suddenly got light-headed and started seeing black spots. Guess I stood up too fast. My heartbeat was a little faster today but it's probably the heat.

I see the boys' van finally arrive and I wave at them from the makeup station. Damien and I make eye contact, making goosebumps spread to my arms.

We are all called to set and we introduce the video.

This new challenge was about literally catching our food. It kind of reminded me of kickball without bases for some reason.

For the first round, it was Olivia, Wes, and Joven from ToxiciTEA and Me, Courtney, and Damien from Mushroom Clout.

The first item shot was a lizard which Damien caught, Courtney caught the next item which was also a lizard, the next item didn't go far so I ran for it but didn't get to it in time, it hit the ground in front of me. I could feel my heart beat harder which slightly hurt but it was just the heat. Next, they shot a bunch of things. Courtney caught a snake, and the eel went too far, even for Wes, the next one was right in the middle and it slipped right through my hands. They then shot 2 lizards, Courtney caught one and Damien almost caught the other.

Just as Matt shot the next round of animals, it all hit me. My legs and arms started to shake, I looked at them and saw the color drain from them and my veins pop out. My breathing started to become hard and my chest began to tighten. I tried not to show the pain I was going through but it was hard, my hand immediately went to clutch my chest. When it came to a fast heart rate, my actions become compulsive and thrash, the large amounts of adrenaline in my body making it hard to not be uncomfortable. I started to panic and pull at my chest. My chest and breath acted as if I was hyperventilating. My face attempted not to contort in agony.

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