Chapter 25

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(The beautiful Dex is imagined to be the handsome William Moseley <3)

Day 17 

Jayme's POV

I rushed into the room and looked at all the unpacked decorations. 

I quickly started telling people where to put things and let them do the rest. 

"Hey, what time is it?" I ask out loud to no one in particular. 

"It's 5 'til 10." Wes shouted over. 

"Crap! I missed my window to order a cake!" I exclaim, my hands coming to my head in stress.

"Why don't we just make one?" Ian suggested and my head perked up.

"That's not a bad idea. I'll go check the kitchen and ask the staff." I say, getting up.

"You want to help, I'm done with the streamers?" Ian asked.

"Sure! Come on!" I grabbed his hand and drug him along.

It took a good minute but the chef gave me permission to use his kitchen and his stuff to make a cake for the party. I was currently mixing the batter together when Ian spoke up.

"Is he treating you alright?" He asked me.

"Who? Damien?" I inquired and Ian nodded. I smiled at him.

"He's treating better than alright. This is probably the happiest I've been in a very long time. And to be honest, I kinda owe it to this trip because not only have I grown in a relationship with Damien but everyone else too." I admit.

"I'll be honest, I was nervous for you to come with us." Ian admits. I tilt my head in confusion and look at him, still mixing the batter.

"You were one of the first people that I hired but you've also been our longest employee, and to be honest, even though you do everything and anything, you weren't really close to anybody except me and Anthony. Sure you made friends with Courtney when she moved into your office but even then, you never let anybody in. I'm really proud that you have finally grown close to these people that you've been with for years. You're going back to the office as a different person and it's going to show. So much has happened here, both good and bad." He tells me. 

"I'm glad that I did too. Back home, I was so afraid of being treated differently that I didn't let anyone near me. Heck, it's going to be so different back at the office." I give a small laugh.

"It is but that's okay, it's a good different." Ian adds and I smile and nod in agreement.

"But I do have to ask right now, are you happy with where you are right now?" Ian asks.

"I am. On this trip, I realized that we're all family and we're there for each other. I know that I will never be alone and always be loved." I say.

"Especially by a certain someone?" Ian smirks and chuckles.

"Well I hope so, he is my boyfriend." I smirk back. 

We both talked more about the office and how far it's come through all its hardships. The cake was coming along well and I was putting it in the oven to bake. I was going to make a 2-tier circle cake for the party. Ian had left me to go back to the movie room to help while I stayed and watched the cake.

It was weird but I enjoyed being by myself for a little bit. I took some deep breaths and relaxed for a little bit. I looked at the clock on the wall next to me and saw that it was around 11:30. I let the cake sit in the oven for a few extra minutes before taking it out and poking it. It seemed to be done so I took it out and placed it on the counter to cool down. 

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