Chapter 9

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Jayme's POV

Just as my show ended, I hear a knock on my door.

Courtney and Sarah texted me saying that they were going to play a game with Mari and Olivia. They invited me but I told them that I was in my pjs already and that I was kind of tired. They understood and I told them to have fun.

"Who is it?" I shout.

"It's a serial killer who wants your kidneys!" Damien says in a weird voice.

I laugh while getting up and opening the door for him.

"I thought I ordered a stripper?" I say, adding to the joke and causing us both to break out in laughter.

"I mean..." He smirks putting his hands in the air causing me to smack his chest. "I was joking!" He laughed.

"I come bearing gifts!" He exclaims after closing the door behind him. "Your fruit cup, m'lady." He hands me the fruit cup.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'm surprised that there was one left." I tell him. I see him smile a little bit more.

"There was only one left and I didn't eat one so you do the math." He says with a chuckle.

"Damien! I can't take this from you!" I quickly try to hand it back to him but he pushes it back towards me.

"You haven't eaten anything and I've already had 2 slices of pizza. It's all yours." He tells.

"I feel bad taking it all. Will you at least share it with me?" I ask.

"Sure, also Mr. Andrews asked me to give you this." He says, handing me a note.

"No call yet, dearie."

I small smile formed on my face. "He remembered." I whisper.

"What do you mean?" He asks me. "All I was told was that it was a mysterious daily question." He says.

"Will you be mad if I don't tell you?" I ask him, my face scrunching up.

"Of course not, I could never be mad at you for wanting to keep a secret. I know you have your reasons for keeping things to yourself." He tells me, making me feel better.

"Thank you." I say, giving him a quick hug. He goes to move out but I just hold on tighter.

Wait! What am I doing?!

"You okay?" He asks me, once again wrapping his arms around me. I nod against his chest.

"Yeah, I just really like your hugs, they make me feel safe." I say, unable to control my words. A blush makes its way to my face.

Why did I just admit that?! Why do I have no filter?!

"Well I'm glad, I like giving you hugs and it's even better when you hug back." He says, I can't see his face but I can hear the smile.

"Now, fruit cup?" I say, pulling back out from the hug but not his arms.

"Yes!" He exclaims.

We both go over and we eat the fruit cup, talking about the games and how Keith carried us today with the challenge. He also told me about what Mr. Andrews said about me, it was so sweet. We finish the fruit cup and he gets up to throw it away across the hall because he didn't want to put sugar water in a trash can we didn't use.

Ugh! Why do I feel so comfortable around him?! I mean I'd rather be comfortable than uncomfortable but why does he give me butterflies in the stomach and make me blush all the time... maybe this isn't just a crush anymore... maybe I... no. I can't... can I?

You're My Cinderella - Damien Haas X Reader - Smosh Summer Games ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now