Chapter 12

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DAY 10

Jayme's POV

I jumped out of bed after feeling a cold sensation on my face. I hear laughter from around me and I look around to see everyone there, Damien and Ian included. I see Sarah with a feather in her hand so I look down to mine.

"Really?! The shaving cream itch prank?!" I exasperate. Good to know that they aren't treating me like and baby and things are somewhat back to normal.

This is the fifth prank they've done on me! I'm starting to like the big plan to stage the most ultimate mean prank on them!

They put the camera in my face so I knew they were recording. I quickly grabbed some paper towels and wiped off my face.

"Good morning, Jay! How are you today?" Lasercorn smirks and teases me while pointing the camera at me.

"Oh, me? I'm great! Currently deliberating how I'll be able to get away with murdering each and every one of you." I say with a straight face and I smile.

"Uh... I'll be over there... yeah." Lasercorn quickly runs over to the other side of the room, far away from me.

I make eye contact with Damien and he gives me a quick wink before turning away and back to Wes. I blush at my boyfriend's actions.

Everyone leaves shortly after and I get dressed and ready for the day, I take my meds, put on my shoes, and head to lunch because everyone slept in today.

I enter the lobby and run up to the service desk where a certain older man is waiting.

"Hey there, Mr. Andrews!" I exclaim.

"Well hello there, dearie! How are you doing this fine day?" He asked.

I tell him about how I woke up and how it was the fifth prank they've done on me. We get to talking more about random things and about his family when I remember something from the other day.

"Thank you for giving that message to Damien, it was sweet that you remembered." I tell him.

"It was no problem dear, I do have to say that I missed talking to you yesterday. It was rather lonely." He gave a small chuckle. "So that young man is quite nice, don't you think?" He gives me a smirk.

"Yeah, he is. He came and cheered me up yesterday when I went through that whole thing." I tell him.

"Did he finally get the courage to ask you out?" He asked me.

I stood silent for a few seconds.

"How did you-" "You look more radiant than you ever have and I have to admit, I can see it in your eye that he did. I had a small talk with him when I gave him the note to deliver. I could tell in his eyes that he felt something for you, the same way you feel for him." He admits.

"Can you keep our relationship a secret?" I asked him.

"Of course, my lips are sealed." He says.

"Thank you. It was a good ending for yesterday considering how I left the dinner area last night." I say.

"Yes, you were quite angry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but you were yelling so it was practically unavoidable..." He confesses.

"It's okay. I hope everything will be resolved soon." I tell him in all truth. I wanted to know what Ian's reasons were for telling everyone. I found that I can't be mad at him for wanting to protect me.

I bid Mr. Andrews goodbye and went into the lunch area. I grab a sandwich and sat down in between Damien and Shayne. The whole group was at the table with their food already. We all got to talking and we shared a few laughs. It felt as if nothing changed and that's the way I liked it. They didn't treat me any differently and it felt good.

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