Chapter 3

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Jayme's POV

I woke up to the sound of Courtney's alarm going off. I groan and place my pillow over my head, hoping to silence the noise.

"Jay, you've got to get up. We've got breakfast to get to." Sarah says, tired as can be.

I get out of bed and make it up before grabbing clothes from my suitcase and changing. I quickly take my meds and look in the mirror. I grab my brush from the sink and brush my hair, getting all of the tangles out. I quickly do my makeup in a small mirror before Sarah comes out of the bathroom and starts to do her makeup and hair.

Today was going to be a chill day, getting to go see the set and talking about the challenges we were going to do. We were all meeting up for breakfast today so that we could talk about a few things.

We girls walked out the door and headed down to the breakfast area. I couldn't help but notice all the eating areas were right under our room. I look around to see no one here yet.

"Not that I'm complaining but, where are all the other guests?" I ask, Courtney agreeing with me.

"Oh, us alongside our camera crew and everyone else fill up all the rooms and so the manager said that basically 'Smosh' is the only guest here. You know, aside from the staff." Sarah informed us.

"Woah, awesome, so no weird encounters!" Courtney laughs.

We all quickly grab breakfast and sit down. I got myself some waffles, some fruit, and a hot chocolate. It wasn't long after we all started eating that people showed up for breakfast.

"Good morning, girls!" Shayne exclaims. Happily sitting down next to us with his breakfast, Damien joined us a second later.

"Morning! Did you boys sleep alright?" Courtney asks them.

"Yes, definitely. It's so quiet out here. So peaceful." Shayne says. Damien shakes his head in agreement.

I smile at this because I agreed too. It kind of reminded me of where I grew up. I grew up in Southwest Missouri so it was quiet but not lonely.

We all continue eating our breakfast while making small talk when Ian speaks up, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Good morning, you guys! So today is going to be a day of info, I know it's not as exciting as normal but it is necessary. I'm about to rant so if you want more food, I suggest getting it now." Ian chuckles. A few people get up and grab more before sitting back where they were before.

"Okay, so we are doing eight main challenges for the games this summer and I'm just going to name them off. They will be explained in more detail when the day of the actual challenge comes. So the challenges are: (the order will be different for plot reasons) Punishment Zombie Shootout, Spilling the Tea, Zombie Red Light Green Light, Slippery Snakes, Real-life Operation, Legendary Belly Flop, The End of Netflix and Chill, and the Breaker Paintball Challenge!" Ian listed.

Some of these challenges sound really fun! I bet I'll crush it for the belly flop challenge!

"Now, at noon we'll head down to the set. Be sure to wear your apocalypse costumes as we'll most likely take some teaser pictures and videos." Ian explains.

We finish breakfast and then make our way back to our rooms. I quickly rush to my suitcase and pull out my outfit. "Hey, Court! Opinion?" I ask her, laying the outfit on the bed.

"Oh, girl! I can't judge until you put it on!" Courtney chuckles.

I quickly put the outfit on and look to her for her opinion.

You're My Cinderella - Damien Haas X Reader - Smosh Summer Games ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now