Chapter 8

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Jayme's POV

I woke up still feeling slightly flustered from last night's event. I really liked having his arms around me... Does that sound creepy?...

Anyway, it was film day for the third challenge! We were doing a version of red light, green light mixed with tag, it sounded really fun.

I quickly take my meds, get dressed, and head downstairs to eat breakfast. I ended up eating by myself as I was only there for a few minutes, devouring my eggs and sausage. By the time I was back in my room, Courtney and Sarah were heading down to eat. They asked me if I was coming but I told them that I already did and that I was going to do a few things.

While they were eating, I was replying to emails and checking up on my editor peeps. I haven't talked to them much on the trip so it was fun to catch up.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave for the set. I met up with everyone in the main lobby but before I left I looked back to the service desk where Mr. Andrews normally is. The desk sat empty but I didn't give it much thought as it was pretty early in the morning.

We all piled into the vans and left for the set. On the way there, we all talked and joked and gave each other smack talk for the games.

When we got there, we all unloaded and got all set up. This was a normal routine.

The cameras started rolling and we all did the intro followed by Sarah's explanation of the games.

"Welcome to Dead Light, Green Light!" Sarah exclaimed.

Our team volunteered to be the zombies first and may I say, it was hot in that zombie mask.

"Okay, Humans move!"

I'll be honest, I couldn't hear anything with this thing on! I could barely hear Matt's voice!

"Freeze! Zombies go!" Sarah shouted and the music started playing.

I crouch walked and swung my arms around hoping that I would hit someone but didn't. Damien did end up getting Mari though!

Now it was time for the Humans to move again and I hear something not too far to my right.

The music started and I moved to the right only to run into two people, Courtney and Keith, who are on my team which cracked up us.

The music stopped and the Humans moved but I didn't hear anything move near me.

The music started and I moved around, flailing my arms like a helicopter. Just as the music ended, Sarah, Matt, and Ryan all gasped meaning someone hit someone. Noah hit Shayne and Lasercorn hit Olivia. I hit someone too but I didn't know who.

"Who is this?" I laughed under the mask.

"It's me, Damien!" Damien laughed next to me. He grabbed my hand, telling me where he was which was just to my right. But the strange thing is that even when Matt called for the Humans to move, he didn't let go.

Thank goodness I was wearing a mask, this was a blush that I definitely couldn't hide. I smiled under my mask slightly and squeezed Damien's hand.

The music started up and we all ended up getting each other instead of the other team again.

"It's just Ian, Wes, and Joven!" Sarah informed us.

The Humans moved but this time I heard something from behind me. The music started up again and I headed in that direction. I ended up running right into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I got someone though, I think!" I say.

"Yeah, you got me." Joven said, with a fake angry tone. I laughed but gave him a hug which he hugged back.

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