Chapter 14

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DAY 12

Jayme's POV

I swam away from Damien, my plan already in my head. I swim up to the rest of the girls and speak up.

"Heya ladies!" I exclaim. 

They each greet me back and we get to talking just a little bit. But I'm sure to keep glancing at Damien every once and away, which I really didn't force myself to do.

"Girl! Stop staring at him!" Courtney hit my arm.

"Sorry... I've never seen Damien without a shirt and he's hot!" I whisper yell to them. They all slightly squeal at this making me slightly blush.

"I don't know if anyone else has noticed but Damien can't keep his eyes off Jay either." Mari commented. I turned in his direction and just as she said, Damien was staring at me. I quickly look away, a huge blush on my face. Even though we were together, I couldn't help but feel butterflies because he was staring at me.

"Mission Jaymien. We need to find out how he thinks of you." Sarah stated.

"No! Please, no!" I plead, afraid of embarrassment. "I have to get a drink, please don't do anything while I'm gone!" I beg.

I get out of the pool and grab a can of cream soda. Wes and Shayne were sweet and grabbed them just for me since they're caffeine-free. I crack it open and sit down on one of the pool chairs. Wes and Noah got out of the pool and went inside to grab some ice, which I didn't think much of. It wasn't until I was almost done with my drink that I felt ice-cold water run down my body. 

I screeched at the sudden sensation and ended up dropping my drink. I hated the feeling of ice! Like, a lot. I hated it when they woke me and Damien up that way and that's why I chased Courtney around, I hated it so much!

I turned back to see Wes and Noah with an empty bucket in their hands. I hear everyone laughing and I turn to them. I wasn't happy about being iced but I couldn't be mad at my friends.

"This isn't funny!" I chuckle at them, unable to be mad. I quickly pick some ice up off the ground and throw it at my friends in the pool, causing them to scream. I see Damien get out of the pool and come towards me. 

"You okay?" He asks me with a slight chuckle. 

"No! I just got iced!" I exclaimed unable to contain my laughter. 

"Aww, need a hug?" He held his arms out and then gave me a wink that went unnoticed by our friends. 

I smiled with mischief and nodded. But instead of putting my head on his chest, I quickly turned and pressed my back on him, causing him to make a high-pitched noise at the sudden coldness. I quickly laughed at him as did the others and he looked at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't read.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He exclaimed. 

Before I had time to react, he wrapped his arms and I was tackled into the pool. We both swam back to the top, bursting into a laughing fit. I looked over to Courtney and she winked at me, causing me to blush. I then glanced over to Ian who gave me a certain smile. I quickly swam over to him. 

"How do you feel about ice, Jay?" Ian smirked, knowing my feelings about cold things. 

"We're doing the call." I state blatantly. Six pranks were enough, and the ice was my limit. I hate the cold, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

Ian's smile grew bigger at my statement and he winked at me before swimming away. I stood in the shallow end for a little while, shivering, while watching my friends set up the volleyball net. The water was warm but not warm enough against the mini ice bath that I had. 

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