Chapter 5

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*This is the ring that was found*


Jayme's POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling weak and exhausted. Yesterday took a lot of energy out of me which wasn't hard. I haven't been that active in a very long time. I couldn't really move myself to get up and out the door, literally, my body refused to get out of bed. I could barely use my legs... I didn't have the strength to lift them. I felt so weak. The girls had already gone to breakfast and I only trusted one person with the information about my heart...

I picked up my phone and dialed their number.


Damien's POV

I am sitting with everyone else eating breakfast when suddenly Ian's phone goes off. He looks at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey Jay, what's up?" He says as he puts the phone to his ear. He was silent for a few moments before speaking up again.

"What do you mean? Is this about..." Ian trails off and his face goes kind of serious. My attention was no longer on my food. What was up with Jay?

"Well I'm with everyone at breakfast so let me get away first, okay?" Ian says, then stands up and rushed out of the door.

Everyone's eyes followed Ian as he went out of the room.

"Is Jay okay?" I ask. I couldn't help but worry about her. I'll admit, I may or may not like her as more than a friend. She's just so funny and not to mention, beautiful, both inside and out. I know that sounds cheesy but I've liked her for a while but have always been so chicken to talk to her.

"Well, she refused to get up when Sarah and I tried to wake her up for breakfast. Maybe she didn't sleep last night?" Courtney inquires.

"Court, she was asleep before both of us. She didn't eat dinner with us either." Sarah points out.

"Maybe she's feeling under the weather?" Noah says.

"Let's just ask Ian when he gets back." Joven says, Mari agreeing.

A few minutes later, Ian walks back in with his face slightly troubled and walks to the food carts.

"Is everything okay, Ian?" Wes suddenly asks, everyone's attention now on Ian's answer.

"Oh, uh...yeah. I'm just making up a plate to bring to Jay. She's really tired. She's used to sitting down for most of the day so yesterday took it out of her." Ian explains, I could tell he wasn't telling us the full truth...

Just as Ian is about to walk out the door with her food, the older gentleman at the welcome desk comes in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hecox? There's someone on the phone for you. They said it's urgent." He says.

Ian looks down at the plate and then back to the man. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.

"Ian, you take the call. I'll take the food to Jay." I suggest.

I see the hesitation in his body but he finally agrees, handing me the plate. Shayne calls dibs on my food as Ian goes to the phone. I head out of the room and take the stairs, up to Jay's room.


Jayme's POV

I am laying on my bed when hear a knock on the door and assume it's Ian with my food.

"It's unlocked!" I shout out... kind of, my chest is slightly tight and weak so "yelling" isn't really possible.

I was surprised to see that it was Damien who walked through the door with a plate of food. My eyes go wide at this, I didn't want him to see me like this. If I knew anything, it was that I didn't look good right now.

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