Chapter 23

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A/N - Let me know in the comments if you think this is a good chapter, thanks!


DAY 17

Jayme's POV

I was the first one to the pool so I decided to take my time getting into the water. Normally I'd jump right in but after all the excitement from paintball, I wanted to take it slow.

I went around to the steps and went down the steps at a slow rate. When I got to the bottom, the water was only at my waist so I brought my hands up, sitting them at the surface of the water, touching it slightly. I continued to walk forward, the ground getting steeper as I went on. Eventually, the water was to my shoulders so I gently leaned back and let myself float to the deep end. I looked up to the sky and saw the beautiful clouds. My ears were under water so there was some silence but not as much as there is at the bottom. 

I quickly got lost in thought in this state.

Maybe I should see what being a professional mermaid would be like, maybe it could be a side hobby...

If I enjoy being deep in a pool, what would it be like to go scuba diving? Seeing all the fish, the silence, the beautiful scenery... all that peace... Maybe I could go someday.

I could hear voices not too far from me so I quickly brought my ear out of the water and started treading.

"Took you guys long enough!" I joke to my friends as they all set their stuff down on the pool chairs.

They all laughed at me before getting into the pool themselves. Olivia decided to chill in one of the pool chairs since she couldn't swim. 

"So just to make sure I'm up to speed, you can hold your breath for a very long time and you like to swim to the bottom of the deep end because you like the silence?" Shayne questions.

"Yeah, but there's more to it for me. While you're down there, everything feels weightless, there's no more burdens or problems. And everything is silent so you can think and everything is slow too. It's just something that you have to experience." I try to explain.

"So we just, what, sink down to the bottom?" Sarah asks.

"Yes, but close your eyes and listen. I know that it may not be for everyone but... I'm just happy you're all willing to try." I say. 

"I'm excited to try, we'll follow your lead." Mari gives me a smile of encouragement.

"Ok then, everybody takes a deep breath in and then swims to the bottom, it may be hard to stay down there but once you sit down and continuously push yourself down with your arms, it's easier. But when you're down there, listen and just let your worries go. Relax and do whatever feels comfortable. Come back up at any time, stay down there as long as you like." I tell them. 

They all nod to me and I take a big breath, I hear them do the same moments later. It was a fairly big pool so we could all swim to the bottom without hitting each other. I swim down to the bottom and I hear everyone doing the same. 

I make it to the bottom and sit there, my eyes closed and my wind clear. Well almost, I can't help but wonder what everyone is feeling. I open my eyes and look around at everyone at the bottom. 

I could see that Keith wasn't too fond of being underwater since he looked uncomfortable. It was only a few seconds later that we went back up to the top.

I turned and looked behind me where Sarah and Wes were, I could see that Sarah felt at peace, a small smile lingering on her face but I couldn't read Wes much, he looked like stone, but not uncomfortable or upset.

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