Chapter 21

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DAY 16

Jayme's POV

I woke up under the pillow fort that the girls and I created last night. I smiled to myself, taking a second to reflect on my life.

I had the most amazing boyfriend and family I could ask for. Ian, Joven, and Lasercorn treated me like their sister as did Sarah and Courtney. Everyone else treats me well and normally even though they knew about my heart. I was so lucky to have these people in my life.

I got up and took my meds, changing into my clothes. While I was changing, the rest of the girls woke up.

"Good morning!" I cheered with a smile.

"Ugh, how are you so awake?" Mari groaned.

"I've been up for a little bit, I was just thinking." I say.

"What about?" Olivia chimed in, curious.

"How lucky I am. This job has given me everything, more than money. It's given me a family, a boyfriend, and so many other things." I say, my smile showing.

"Aww, the only thing I think about in the morning is how I am going to manage to tame this hair." Olivia says and sits up, her hair looking like a bird's nest.

"Oh! Wow! That's... yeah..." I trail off.

"It's not as bad as it looks." Olivia says, laughing.

We all ended up laughing with her after she started to brush it out. I took my meds as the girls were finished getting ready. I did some light makeup before walking out the door with the girls.

We all headed down to the breakfast area, ready to eat before heading out to film the paintball challenge. Everyone else was already there so I went up where Damien was sitting and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, wishing him a good morning.

"Gross! I'm trying to eat here!" Keith pretended to gag which caused us all to chuckle. I shook my head with a smile and then left to get some breakfast.

I decided to eat like a child today so I grabbed some bacon and some waffles, my fruit cup, and some peanut butter. I sat down in between Damien and Wes, putting my food on the table. I spread the peanut butter on one of the waffles and added the fruit on top of that, then finally I put the other waffle on top, making a peanut butter fruit waffle sandwich thing.

I smiled at my creation before picking it up and taking a bite. It was actually really good! I took a few more bites before putting it back down. I heard a chuckle from Shayne and I look up to see everyone looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask them with a laugh.

"What the heck are you eating?" Lasercorn asks me.

"This is my inner child in food form, you can't judge me until you try it!" I fake scold him, getting laughs from everyone.

"What's even in it? Because that actually looks good!" Noah says.

"It's just two waffles, peanut butter, and fruit." I say.

"Oh, that sounds good actually." Shayne says and I laugh.

Damien reaches over and grabs the "sandwich" and takes a bite. His eyebrows contort to confusion and then to shock.

"Holy crap, that's freaking delicious!" He exclaims before giving me back my breakfast.

"I make a lot of weird, delicious stuff." I state with a chuckle.

"Yo! We should totally get you to be a guest on Eat-It or Yeet-It!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Yeah! That'd be so much fun! The fans love you!" Sarah added.

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