Chapter 11

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Jayme's POV


"Hey..." He stands up off the edge of my bed and comes up to me, pulling me into his arms after seeing the look on my face.

"Oh my God, I was so worried about you..." Damien says into my hair.

I felt tears fall from my eyes, I felt betrayed...

"I know, Jay, just let it out..." Damien says.

"You knew he was going to tell them?!" I pushed out of the hug and looked up to Damien.

"Unfortunately yes, but I tried to stop him. I knew why you didn't want people knowing and I respected that. That's why I wasn't there, I did not want to be there when you found out. So I came up here to wait for you, I knew you were going to storm off and come back here." He says to me.

I quickly move back into his arms and let a few more tears out.

"They didn't speak around me, they walked on eggshells all because Ian told them about 'my heart and my weakness' and it was so... ugh!" I just scream into his chest, gripping his shirt roughly.

"Please try to calm down, you know you can easily have another attack if your heart rate picks back up." Damien pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Dames. I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." I apologize.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't blame you, if I got that reaction from them then I would be the same way."

"I feel that I'm more mad at Ian though, he just told everyone my biggest secret and now they're treating me differently. I get that they don't want to upset me because they care but it still is just... it's not caring, it's babying." I say.

"They're your friends, they care but you may have to give them time to understand the difference. I assume Ian didn't know the difference at first, he had to learn?" Damien asked.

"I guess he did but Ian knew why I didn't want to tell anyone. I don't care if it was to 'help' me, he should've come to me first!" I cry out, angry and broken. I cry for another minute before Damien speaks up.

"I'm here for you Jay. Always. Try to relax." Damien says.

I quickly give him a small kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Dames." I tell him, taking a deep breath in an attempt to relax.

"It's no problem. I enjoy being here, you're my favorite person." He smiles at me.

"Is it too much to ask for a distraction?" I ask him.

"You want a distraction? A good or bad one?" He asks me.

"Why would I want a bad distraction?" I laughed, sitting us down on the bed as I was still weak.

"I don't know, I just want to make the pretty lady happy!" He says in a funny voice causing me to chuckle.

"One good distraction, please." I reply back.

"Ok, coming right up." He said. He slowly pulled me close to him on the bed and brought our lips together.

As our lips moved together, all of my worries and anger melted away, the only thing that mattered in that moment was me and Damien. I could feel him smiling into the kiss which only caused me to do the same. His hands moved up and down my back in a comforting way while my hands went behind his neck and played with his hair.

We would've kissed longer if someone hadn't've knocked on the door. I hesitantly let go of Damien before looking over at my suitcase.

"Can you hand me the cane from my suitcase, please? I'm still weak and..." I trail off but Damien just gets it and brings it over to me with a caring smile. I grasp it in my hand and start going over to the door. I move the peephole cover and look through it to see who's outside.

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