Chapter 6

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Jayme's POV

We all got settled in the big room, bringing our blankets and pillows. I ended up sharing the loveseat couch with Damien because we were sharing snacks and stealing each other's cotton candy and popcorn.

The first movie was Inception and it was really good, even though Wes kept throwing his popcorn at me and Courtney. Everyone was awake for that movie.

The second movie was the live-action Lion King. It was really, really good! I think the best part was everyone singing out random parts because it just made everyone happy. Joven and Mari fell asleep near the end of the movie.

Before the third movie started, I looked at the time.

"Damien, pass me my drink, please?" I ask him.

He passes me my drink and I dig out my meds that I had in my pocket. I quickly take them with my drink and pass it back to him, asking him to put it back. He gives me a small smile before Ian announces that it was "Princess Bride time!"

I was so excited. Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. Throughout the movie, people fell asleep but I couldn't help but stay awake. Once the movie was over, I looked around to see that everyone except me was asleep. I got up, turned everything off, and went to sit back down on the couch only to find that Damien had taken it over. His body was laid across it and he was fast asleep. I slowly picked up his legs and put myself under them so that his legs were in my lap. I laid my head on the couch arm and fell asleep.



Courtney's POV

I woke up in the morning to find that I wasn't in my room. I looked around and found that everyone had fallen asleep from the movies last night.

Everyone woke up one after the other until it was just Damien and Jay left asleep.

"Prank time?" Shayne smirked. He quickly got two buckets of water and put some ice in it. We got the camera out and filmed the prank.

"So everyone is awake except for Damien and Jay so we decided to prank them! We have two buckets of ice water that we're going to pour on them!" Shayne says in a whispered tone.

He hands one of the buckets to me because I was going to pour it on Jay. I see that Jay's hand is holding onto Damien's leg so I snap a quick picture with my phone before getting behind the couch with the bucket.

"3... 2... 1... Go!" Joven counts down in a shouted whisper.

I quickly dump the bucket on her and I hear her scream at the sudden wake-up call.

"Oh my gosh! What?!" She screams, jumping up off the couch which proved difficult due to Damien's legs.

Damien had the same reaction and jumped up off the couch screaming.

"Good morning! Ready to film?!" Joven exclaims, putting the camera in their faces.

Jay looks at me and then down to the bucket I have in my hands. I quickly drop it, knowing what she's thinking, and I sprint off.

She starts running after me, screaming my name, until she catches me and tackles me.

"No! Now I'm all wet!" I complain while laughing.

"Good! You deserve it!" She laughs at me.

We all make our way back to our rooms, planning to get ready for the day. Today's challenge was "Spilling the Tea: Nuclear Family Feud" and I was excited. I got dressed, grabbed breakfast, grabbed a bottle of water, and made my way to the van. Jay and Sarah arrived soon after.

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