Chapter 27

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DAY 19

Jayme's POV

I woke up the next morning to a kick in the face. I rubbed my cheek and groaned. I looked over to see that it was Dex's feet that kicked me. Memories of last night flooded in a I remember how we stayed up late talking on my pull-out mattress, catching up on some things.

I must have fallen asleep while talking, oops. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was sleeping at the other end of the bed. 

When we were at the orphanage, the headmistress would let us sleep in the same bed as long as we were head-to-toe. So I had to laugh at the fact he was doing it right now even though we both were grown adults. 

I looked down at my phone to see that it was basically 10 AM. I didn't want to wake him yet since I know he doesn't get to sleep in anymore. I quietly got out of bed and took my medicine. I took my clothes and got dressed in the bathroom, wearing my swimsuit underneath. I walked back out and did my makeup and hair. 

"Harold, close my shades please!" Dex groans out. 

"Who?" I laugh. I look back at him to see him looking around like a lost child, only to have his face switch back to tired a moment later.

"I forgot I'm not back home, sorry James." He apologizes.

"You're good, but who's Harold?" I ask him. 

"He's my butler." He tells me. 

"Oh, yeah! In you're million-dollar mansion." I mock in a posh voice.

"You said it, I didn't." He joked around. I quickly threw a pillow at him.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He complains like a child.

"I just felt like it." I tell him with a smirk.

"I feel like I'm being bullied right now." He puts his hand over his chest as if I've offended him. 

"Grow up." I tell him, only for us to both start laughing at each other.

"Man... I wish I could wake up like this every day." He admits sadly. 

I put down my makeup brush and go over to sit by him on the bed, I pull him into a side hug.

"How about we go swimming later? We haven't done that since we were 16." I offer.

"That actually sounds fun, but I didn't bring any swim trunks." He says.

"I'm sure you could borrow someone's, I'd ask Wes since you guys are similar in stature. We'll see him at lunch so we can ask him then." I tell him. 

"That taller, muscular dude, right? With long hair?" Dex questions.

"Yeah, has a higher voice even though he's freakin' huge." I add on.

"He's cute." Dex states.

"And has a girlfriend." I say to him. 

"Dang. Thought I had a shot." He laughs at himself and I chuckle too. 

Dex quickly got dressed and I finished my makeup. We headed down the stairs and walk towards the lobby.

"I'm still getting used to the blue hair. It looks good though so don't change it back." He tells me making me laugh as we enter through the doors.

"Hey, there she is!" Mr. Andrews calls out from beside his son.

"Good morning!" I go up to both of the men and give them hugs.

"It's your last full day here." Mr. Andrews points out.

Suddenly, I'm hit with sadness. I really liked my time here. But I was more afraid of what things were going to be like when we all went back.

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