Major Attack, unpublished chapter

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[This was supposed to be in the book but I took it out lol - it's a little triggering.]

Jayme's POV

I woke, hearing Courtney's alarm, groaning while I sit up. Slight pain shoots through my back and I look around seeing that I fell asleep on the floor in Mari and Olivia's room. The girl's night was a lot of fun and we stayed up for a while. I look at the clock seeing that it's 11:30 AM.

I take my meds before getting up to go back to my room to get dressed for the day. Sarah and Courtney, having the same idea, join me. We start heading up the stairs and I feel my heartbeat get louder and faster. I stop in the middle of the stairs for a moment.

"You okay?" Courtney asked me.

"Yeah, just haven't given time for my meds to kick in, stairs hate me." I chuckle at them. After a minute or two, I feel my heartbeat return to normal so I continue up the stairs with the girls. We reach the room and we go and do our things to get ready.

I throw off my pjs, leaving me in my undergarments. I pull on my high-waisted shorts and begin to put my shirt on. As I put it on, my hands in the arm, a wave of dizziness hit me and I stumble, falling onto the bed. I quickly pull the shirt on and grab ahold of the bedside, feeling as if my head were pulling me to the side and then to the other. I can feel and see my knuckles turn white. I stare at the floor and breathe trying to regain my composure.

"Jay?" Sarah speaks up, seeing me looking strange.

"Huh?" I say, barely able to get those words out. What was I doing again?

I look up at her, only to see her figure dancing back and forth.

"Uh, Jay... you just lost all of your color, are you feeling alright?" She comes up to me still swaying back and forth, my mind playing tricks on me.

"I don't know... I think I moved my arms too fast because now I'm dizzy." I chuckle at her.

"Need to stand up and raise your arms?" She asked me.

That was another thing we talked about at the girl's night, they wanted me to teach them some of the things they can do to help if I'm in or someone else is in a situation like I was before. Ian decided to teach the boys since he was going to be with them.

Sarah held out her arms for me to take and I did. I stood up but as soon as I stood up all the way, I could feel my blood pressure go crazy and I see spots of black appear and disappear. I fell back down onto my bed, still too dizzy, knowing what was about to come.

"Sarah, my blood pressure just rose like nuts and my vision is spotty and the dizziness isn't going away. If I know myself and the way that these things go, I know that my chest is going to start to tighten up and my breathing is going to go hard. I can already hear my heartbeat getting louder and faster. I need you to go get Sophie okay, I have a really bad feeling about this one." I state. My voice was shaking and scared.

"I can't just leave you like this... Last night you told me that someone needs to be here when you start to impulsively thrash and claw at your chest!" Sarah started to panic.

I could feel my chest clench and attack itself, I had to try and not focus on the pain but it was hard. I started to cry and I felt myself struggle with breathing and I knew I wouldn't stay calm for long. I leaned over my legs, trying to help myself breathe and get rid of the discomfort. This was the fastest-growing attack I've had in a very long time.

I could hear my heartbeat fill my ears and I could see my pulse in my arms as they started to pulse at the same rate as my heart. I immensely lay down on the bed, knowing what was coming next.

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