Chapter 20

912 14 2

DAY 15

Jayme's POV

I woke up comfortable, consumed by my blankets. The sound of Courtney's alarm rang throughout the room.

Wait... crap! I accidentally fell asleep in the car last night!

"How did I get in my bed?" I asked the girls who were just getting out of bed too.

"Damien carried you here from the car and then we put you in your pjs and then he tucked you in, which might I add is super adorable. But did you have a good day yesterday?" Courtney said. I couldn't tell if she was fully awake or not.

 I quickly remember the events from yesterday and a blush makes its way to my face.

"I had the best day of my life." I tell them with a smile.

"Ugh, being with you and Sarah makes me feel so single." Courtney complains. Both Sarah and I chuckle at her while getting our apocalypse clothes on.

I take my meds and all of us head downstairs to the breakfast area. I break off from them to go talk to Mr. Andrews.

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews!" I exclaim, seeing him sitting at his usual spot.

"Well, good morning to you too. How was your day yesterday?" He asked me. 

I told him about the shopping and the dinner date which he thought was very cute, but it was as if he was waiting for me to tell him something else. Weird.

"Everything alright, you look like you're waiting for something?" I ask him. 

"Oh, I'm alright! Sorry, I just had something in the back of my head is all. No worries." He says, waving it off.

"Oh, um... okay then. Also, Damien told me about what you said with my laugh and everything. I think that it's really sweet that you think that of me. It makes me happy that my laughter brings you joy." I tell him with a smile, the feelings from last night not appearing which is good.

"Oh, I hope that doesn't sound weird but her laugh was my favorite thing about her. It was her tell." He comments.

"Her 'tell?'" I ask him, not knowing what that word meant.

"It was the thing that told me that she was the one for me. I was the only one who could make her laugh the way she did. And every time she laughed, it would make my insides go bananas. Now your laugh doesn't make me do that, it just sounds similar." He clarifies for me.

"Does every relationship have a tell?" I ask him, wondering if Damien or I had a tell.

"Most do, but most of the time they go unnoticed. The thing is that it's always about how that person feels, whether it's yourself or the other person. Or in my case, both." He chuckles. "It's just a little reassurance that you're with the person you're meant to be with. Relationships are made of two people, not one. So the other person may notice something while the other doesn't. Do you understand?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, I think I do. Like, it's just something that lets you know that you have something special with that person, BUT it's not what the relationship rides on." I say and he gives me a nod. 

I continue talking to him about how yesterday, switching to his health and then to other things. It wasn't until my stomach growled that I decided that I needed to eat. I waved goodbye to him with a chuckle, heading straight into the breakfast area.

"Hey! There she is!" Sarah points to me, calling me out.

"Yes, I am here, now shower me with love." I say, walking like a queen while laughing. They all chuckle at me before I walk to the carts to grab some food. I was just about to grab a fruit cup when another hand swipes it away before I get it.

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