Chapter 32

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"Master, this is the fifteenth time I am asking, what happened?" asked the embrace pokemon through telepathy.

Ash was in his room right now. He decided to skip dinner for the night and rest for a bit. But he was having troubling thoughts regarding the earlier event that happened today along with the previous ones before. Pikachu suggested him to talk to his love expert pokemon because she is exactly the one he needs right now. Ash reluctantly agreed and let her out, but it was really embarrassing.

"Want to hear a story?" Ash said, laughing nervously.

Gardevoir looked really pissed this time as she used psychic to pick up her pokeball to return to it by herself.

"Okay, okay, I am sorry. I am telling," Ash said frantically as he snatched the ball away from her.

"About time," she muttered irritatedly with a huff.

"Ok so, once upon a time," Ash started as Gardevoir glared at him, raising her fingers as if daring him to say another word.

"Just listen to me first okay?" Ash said hastily as the embrace put down her hand and nodded, still a bit irritated.

"There was this boy, a trainer actually, who loved pokemon very much," he said.

"Yeah then?" she asked impatiently.

"Pokemons loved him too a lot........ aswellashisfemalefriends," he said, uttering the last part fuzzily.

"Pardon?" the psychic asked, tilting her head.

Pikachu was laughing and rolling on the bed, enjoying the scene even more than a comedy show.

"No-nothing," Ash said as he continued. "Yeah so, he made lots of new friends, both male and female, and had lots of adventure together. As they grew up, some of the girls started to get his attention even more," Ash said as Gardevoir's eyes perked up.

"Oooh, love story. Then then??" she asked, now somewhat interested in it.

"Yeah then," Ash gulped before he continued. "The boy was clueless about it for quite a time. Then in the following few weeks, he hanged out with each of them separately and before he knew it, he unintentionally, not knowingly, got caught up in certain situations and...."

Gardevoir nodded eagerly, wanting to know what happened next.

"He kissed them," Ash said in a defeated voice, definitely not proud of himself.

The embrace now looked thoughtful, as she touched her cheek with her hands.

"And the girls don't know that all of them have kissed the same boy?" she asked as Ash quickly nodded, relieved that the bipedal understood the matter.

"Exactly. Now tell me what should he do in this case?" Ash asked impatiently as Gardevoir looked confused.

"What do you mean Master? Isn't this a story?" she asked, slighty frowning.

Ash gulped again. "O-of course it's a story, I just wanted to know your opinion that's all," he said a bit nervously.

"Well, I think he should talk to them about it before things get more complicated," Gardevoir said.

"Is that so?" he asked.

"Yeah," she replied and looked suspiciously at Ash.



"What's going on really?" she asked uncertainly as Ash felt a familiar chill through his arms.

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