Chapter 17

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"You were amazing Ash!" exclaimed May as she snuggled into him even tightly exploiting the chance.

Ash blushed from the praise and the contact of the hot brunette.

"It was all Pikachu May, he deserve the credit," Ash said as May picked up the mouse and gave it a hug. In response to which the mouse squealed in delight.

"I was worried for a moment but damn you are strong," said Max as he ran upto them.

"Pikachu has got a lot of new moves. I have to study hard before I challenge him again," Sawyer murmured as he kept writing on his notebook.

The crowd around them cheered before they started to leave.

"Hey Ash? Are you free now??" May suddenly asked hopefully.

"Yeah I -

"No wait I didn’t have my battle yet," said Max with a cry.

May wanted to stuff a pokeball in his mouth but controlled herself before saying,

"Alright then, you two have your battle. But make it quick. Ash and I have something to do," she said.

Max looked at his sister suspiciously before looking at Ash, who just shrugged showing  he didn’t know either. Max shrugged it off as well. He then pulled Ash to the battlefield before both of them positioned themselves.

"I will be the referee, " Sawyer volunteered as May stood beside him.

"One on one, same rules, agreed?" he asked receiving two nods from both sides.

Max pulled out a pokeball and threw it, revealing a bipedal green and white creature who stood gracefully. It had red piercing eyes and two blades attached to both of its arms.

"Alright Gallade let's do this," Max yelled as the Blade pokemon nodded and got into a battle stance.

Ash analysed his opponent's pokemon before throwing out his own.

Another bipedal blue frog like pokemon was revealed. It stood proudly with arms crossed in the battlefield. Its pink faded eyes were focused and narrowed, a tongue wrapped around its neck as it glared at its opponent.

Sawyer looked excited to see how much stronger that pokemon has gotten.

"Greninja vs Gallade. Battle Begin," he declared and immediately took his notebook, not to miss any detail specially about Ash's Greninja.

'Greninja is a part dark type so I have the advantage. But still I have to be careful,'  Max thought before giving his command.

"Gallade use Close Combat." The blade pokemon was closing the distance between them quickly. Before it could land a hit, Greninja sunk into the shadows with a blur leaving a confused Gallade.

'What? Where did it go?'  Max was thinking when Greninja suddenly appeared behind Gallade and gave it a barrage of Aerial Aces before sending it back to Max. He was dumbfounded.

"Greninja used Shadow Sneak to dodge and then counter with Aerial Ace. Flying type moves deal damage on fighting types like Gallade," Sawyer analysed carefully as Max gritted his teeth. May wanted to cheer for Ash but couldn’t betray Max as well, so she quietly but attentively watched the match.

'Have to try something different,'  Max thought.

"Use Psycho Cut."

Gallade rushed towards Greninja by gathering psychic energy in its blades before swinging them towards the ninja pokemon.

Ash gave a nod and Greninja summoned two long sharp blades made out of water and countered against Gallade's move.

"Switch to Leaf Blade," Max commanded with a smirk as Gallade started to attack with the super effective grass type move.

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