Chapter 29

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"What have you been doing these few years Mr.Ketchum?"

"Do you plan to challenge the Elites and Champions of the other regions?"

"How many legendaries do you have in your possession?"

Ash slumped his head on the desk.

After the battle, it was a huge drama. Ash shook hands with Tobias and thanked him for the battle. He was then escorted to a room, quiet forcefully, to get interviewed by the reporters who were eagerly waiting. He was now in one of the VIP rooms, sitting on a chair and answering all sorts of ridiculous questions the reporters had in their mind for the past half an hour. It was a torture and he had to be careful in answering each and every one of them. The yellow mouse sitting on his lap was trying to take a nap, visibly annoyed.

After what seemed like an endless session of interview, the raven haired boy quickly took Pikachu and stormed out off the room, not wanting to answer anything else. He started walking to the direction of the cafeteria, considering how wild his apetitie has become.
The exhaustion from Bond Phenomenon and the QNA session, he was hungry as fuck.

He took another hallway towards the cafe, where there are not so much people. He took out his phone in the meanwhile. There weren't any calls or msgs, but the news feed was mentioning him over and over. He sighed and put back the phone.

"Looks like being popular isn't so much exciting as I thought," Ash muttered.

"Pika chu pikapi pika."

Ash thought about it.

"You do have a point. Popularity sure is a part of becoming a Pokemon Master," he nodded and reached an opening hallway.

It was half past nine in his clock. Which means he had battled for an hour minus the interview. It was pretty odd.

The students were chattering and heading towards the cafe as well. The crowd was decreasing in number as the outsiders were leaving the campus.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, he was greeted with a round of cheers and applaud. He just gave a usual appreciative smile before he searched for his friends.

"There you are," a voice said as he looked at his old best friend, Brock. "The others are over there, c'mon," he said and Ash followed him with a nod.

"Great Battle, Ash."

"Dude, that was sick."

"I will beat you someday, you wait."

"That Greninja of yours is op."

"Hi cutie."

"Will you go out with me?"

"I love you."

"How many times a day you fap?"

"Dude, how in the world is that relatable here?!"

All sorts of comments were thrown at Ash. Some good, some gawky and some...weird, like the last one.

Ash just nervously smiled and waved away them. He soon reached the table Brock was taking him to. Two of them were in the heat of a conversation.

"O yeah? How can you be so sure you can do it shorty?" said the mocking tone of Gary.

"Ugh. I told you not to call me that you simp. And I have a better chance than you do," Max countered.

"Why you inconsiderate-"

"Guys, cut it out already" Brock said in a matured manner.

Just then everyone noticed Ash had arrived at their table.

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