Chapter 9

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A purple haired man wearing dark blue sweater over a purple T-shirt with a grumpy attitude was standing a few feet away from them.

Ash was flabbergasted, thinking he would have to meet him of all people. Nevertheless there was a smile on his face.

"Fancy meeting you here," Ash said as the guy rose an eyebrow with his usual cold look yet a bemused face.


Paul Shinji. One of Ash's toughest and strongest rival and probably the most cold creature on this planet. They share quite a history ever since they met in the Sinnoh region.

"So, why now?" Paul asked.

Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you showing up now?" Paul asked  bluntly.

Gary was a bit furious at his attitude as he knew the guy pretty well. He decided to question Paul first

"What are you doing here anyway?" asked Gary with the same blunt tone.

Paul looked at Gary with a 'Why should I tell you'  look but answered anyway.

"I always travel through the forests to avoid those annoying, cringy and pathetic people. At least the forest is calm and peaceful. " Paul finished with his usual 'I don't care' tone.

'Sounds something very Paulish only he would do', Gary thought, sweatdropping with everyone else.

"You haven’t changed I see," said Ash, "But then again that's what makes you," he finished with a chuckle.

Paul gave him a look and said,"You still haven’t answered my question Ash."

"Decided to come to a place full of strong trainers and all. You should understand that right?" Ash said with a serious tone.

'Interesting. I don't know about me but you surely have changed,'  Paul thought.

"In that case," started Paul, "I challenge you to a battle. "

Everyone was taken back a bit by this especially Ash. Sure he was expecting a lot of challenges but from his strongest rival so early, he couldn’t help but smirk.

"I accept your challenge Paul."

The others were surprised as Paul smirked.

"Not so fast," said paul, "I always like to battle with higher stakes."

"You mean some sort of bet?" asked the Kanto Champion.

"I meant I want our battle to be public, so that everyone can witness me crushing you." Paul said with a mocking tone.

Pikachu sighed at Paul's cocky attitude. He has no idea what he is getting himself into.

Suddenly Professor Oak had an idea as he spoke, "Then why don't you two fight this as an entrance exam?"

Paul's smirk grew as Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Is it some sort of admission test to get into the academy for those who didn’t get an invite?" asked the raven haired catching onto the point quickly.

"Precisely my boy. There are different tests for all categories. As for the trainers category, the challenger has to battle a strong trainer from the academy and secure his victory to get into the academy." Oak explained.

"But gramps, if Ash loses he won’t get accepted to the academy," said Gary, "Besides if you don’t know Ashy-boy, Paul is an Elite Four member of Sinnoh," he added.

Scott spoke this time,"You might have forgotten Gary, but Ash has three Championship titles in his hand. So I think its a fair deal."

Gary thought for a moment considering before his mind got stuck on one word Scott said.

"Wait wait wait!!! THREE??!  Gary asked dumbfounded.

Ash shot a look at Scott as the man bit his tongue for the slip up.

Ash sighed. The meowth was already out of the bag, so might as well just tell him.

"Hey Gary? You heard about the new unknown Champion of Kanto who didn’t show himself to the public," asked the Kanto Champion.

"Yeah who wouldn’t. He defeated the Elite Four in a private battle including Lance himself, but why are you bringing this--

Gary stopped mid sentence as he looked at Ash when it dawned on him as he put the pieces together. He took a deep breath as he struggled himself from fainting.

"You know what? " Gary said finally. "Please don't bother to say anything. I'll believe it even if you say you caught some legendaries as well," said Ash's childhood friend with a shocked tone.

Little did he know he was right on his last statement, as Ash and Pikachu gave a sly smile that Gary noticed, but decided to ignore it.

"This just makes things more interesting," the purple haired trainer said with a smug look. "I suggest you enjoy your last day as a Champion Ash."

Ash smirked with pikachu copying his expression, "We'll see about that Paul." "Pika."

Professor Oak smiled at the interaction of the two rivals as he said, "I'll go and prepare the main stadium for the battle. It will be within 20 minutes or so."

They nodded as Scott decided to help Oak as well.

"Well Ashy-boy," Gary started, "I'll go and tell everyone else about the battle so smell ya later." With that Gary went of running towards the academy leaving Ash and Paul along.

"Doesn't he get on your nerves?" asked Paul irritatedly.

Ash chuckled.

"You have no idea."

Both trainers then proceeded to walk towards the main stadium for the battle.

"6 on 6?" asked Ash.

Paul smiled, "Wouldn’t have it any other way."

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