Chapter 43

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Flashback 3 years ago

"What's taking her so long?" wondered a fifteen year old raven haired boy, as he was sitting beside a fountain. A small, yellow creature could be seen sitting on his lap.

Ash and Pikachu were currently in the Johto region on a small vacation right after Ash's victory against Leon a few weeks ago. They were sitting outside a shopping mall, waiting for Ash's mother who was still shopping inside.

"Pika chuuu," the rodent whinned on his lap as the boy's stomach growled a little.

"I know buddy, I am hungry too," said Ash with a sigh.


A loud explosion was heard immediately catching the duo's attention.

"What was that?" yelled Ash as he went alert along with Pikachu who was sensing danger.

Lots of smoke were conjuring near the mall entrance, making its way inside.

"Oh no, mom!" Ash exclaimed in worry. "Let's go Pikachu," he said to his partner. The electric type nodded as both of them stormed inside the shopping center.
People were screaming and running around in fear and confusion. Ash noticed as lots of uniform wearing people made their way inside as they started releasing their pokemon. He stopped near the escalator and clearly saw the letter 'R' printed on each of their chest.

"Tch, Team Rocket. It had to be them," muttered Ash angrily under his breath, as Pikachu sparked its cheeks.

"Toxicroak, use Sludge Bomb," one of the grunts commanded as the Toxic Mouth pokemon shot the move towards a group of people who were trying to escape.

"Deflect it back with Iron Tail."

A yellow mouse jumped right at the scene. Its tail glowed white as it gathered metallic energy. The mouse did a flip and sent back the poison type move with perfect accuracy.

"Not today," said Ash as he stood before the grunts confidently.

"Is that Ash Ketchum?"

"Wow, it's really him."

The people around started murmuring with surprise and excitement.

"Tch, what are you doing here?" asked the grunt, annoyingly.

"This kid is the Ash Ketchum?" asked one of the grunts, incredulously.

Apparently, his name has spread around quickly after his milestone achievement against the former undefeated Champion.
Ash had a rough time dealing with this newly found popularity, but he was managing well enough.

"Rhydon, Body Slam," one of them commanded as the Drill Pokemon approached Pikachu at high speed.

"Jump above it and use Electroweb."

Before Rhydon could crash above it, the rodent skillfully jumped and summoned a web of electricity with its tail, before trapping the ground type in a spot.

"Iron Tail."

Using the gravity as an advantage, Pikachu slammed the metallic tail on the pokemon resulting in a huge explosion. It fainted right after. The people around them cheered for Ash.

"Sir, we have captured some pokemon from the people here. Should we abort?" asked a grunt to the senior who was in charge.

"Don't give me orders! Not till I have defeated him," he scolded and pointed towards Ash. "Everyone, Attack now!!"

"Onix, Hyper Beam."

"Sneasel, Icy Wind."

"Crobat, Supersonic."

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