Chapter 26

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"C'mon hurry up," Max said, voice filled with excitement.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see this battle," said the voice of Bonnie.

"Slow down Bonnie," said her older brother Clemont, panting.

"Can't blame them honestly, I am excited for it too," said May.

"This is going to be a challenge for Ash," said Misty thoughtfully.

"Hmm. I hope he is prepared for this battle and it won't end up like last time," said Brock in a concerned tone.

"Hey, any of you seen Serena?" asked Bonnie.

"There she is," May said and pointed at the young attractive blonde approaching them.

"Serena! Where were you?" asked Bonnie a little loudly.

"Yeah Miette was asking about you too," Clemont said.

Serena just smiled. Her face was a brew of paleness and a shade of red, which was noticeable to the others. May frowned.

"Are you alright Serena?" the brunette asked putting a hand on her forehead. Serena just shoved it away.

"Oh I'm just fine. Been a rough day hehe," she said nervously. Sylveon intertwined one of her ribbons with Serena's hand to calm her down.

"Okk...?" May said with a bit confusion.

"Will you kids hurry up already?" another voice said from behind them as they looked behind to see Iris.

"The battle's going to start any moment. So I suggest we should hurry to the stadium," a gentle voice of Cilan said from beside her.
The others nodded and started to move. Serena looked relieved before she noticed something. She nudged May.

"Hey? Where's Dawn?" she asked.

May shrugged. "Don't know. She said she had something to do, so she will join with us later."

"Hey guys," a group yelled a little far from them as they looked at the direction.

"Oh hi Lana," Misty said hugging her.

"Sorry we are late," Mallow said sheepishly.

"I've heard that Ash has lost to this challenger before, is that true?" the fire type trainer Kiawe asked.

"Yes. It’s true," Brock replied. "But Ash is a lot stronger than before, so I hope the outcome will be different this time," he said as the others nodded.

"Where's Goh?" Kiawe asked again looking at the group.

"He and Gary are already in the Stadium," Misty said as she started walking.

"Calem texted me that he is there too with Miette and the others," Serena said checking her phone.

"Hey Lillie? Where is your brother?" Mallow asked the quiet girl.

"Oh, he said he will watch the battle by himself," Lillie said.

"Typical edge lord," Sophocles joked, but stopped receiving a cold glare from Lillie. The others laughed.

Soon, the big and lively group entered the stadium. It was already filled and crowded. The others who were already there saved some seats for them, so there wasn’t any problem in finding one.

They talked, chatted and laughed while waiting patiently for the battle to start.


Pikachu was sitting in the locker room alone waiting for Ash. The battle was going to start in 10 minutes or so. The raven haired boy entered after a while.

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