Chapter 22

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"That still doesn't explain why you haven’t answered any of our calls," said Lance frowning.

"I already told you I am sorry okay?" said a tired Ash.

Not too long ago Ash entered his room. He was so tired he wanted to crash on his bed right away. Before that, he decided to check out his phone. He opened it and his eyes grew wide in shock. He missed several calls from the HQ, from some agents, from Sabrina and finally from Lance himself. He quickly called back, only to receive a ton of bashful words from the callers.

"Alright. I will let it go this time, considering there are more important matters in our hands," said Lance as Ash sighed in relief sitting on his bed.

"So according to our investigation," Lance started in a business like tone as Ash listened.

"We have doubt that these hunters might be a part of Team Cosmos."

Ash immediately shot up.

"What?? How can you be sure?" Ash exclaimed wildly.

"It's just our doubt. But it might be right too. This particular organisation is hard to track down as you know. They are known to sabotage and ambush wealthy foundations, take what they need and destroy all evidences," said Lance still frowning.

Ash was worried. He heard about this new rising criminal organisation too. They never made any public appearances like the others. They stay secluded and at the same time, cause havoc as well. KDA has been trying to locate them for the past four months, but still no clue.

If those hunters who were spotted in Kalos, in specifically, near the academy, were really a part of them, then Ash knew it meant trouble.

"You are thinking what I am thinking, right?" Lance asked guessing Ash's thoughts.

Ash nodded. "There could be a possibility their next target is the academy itself," he said.

"Yes. Precisely. We will have to look into this matter deeply. Meanwhile, stay on your guard and keep a close look around your surroundings," Lance said in a cautious tone.

"I always do."

"Good. Now, since two of the hunters are still injured and the other one is.... dead," Lance said with a slight change of tone.


".....which I don't want to know why," Lance said interrupting Ash as he sighed.

"So it will be a while before the interrogation starts," he said in a concluding tone.

"Ok then. I will talk to you soon," Ash said and finally cut the call.

He quickly changed his clothes and did his nightly routines. Pikachu was already asleep. Ash made himself comfortable on the bed and soon enough, drifted to sleep as well.


Ash woke up in time in the morning. He stretched himself a bit and got up to take a shower. He had a lot of things in his mind, but didn’t dug into any of them. He finished his shower and got out to see Pikachu awake, running around in the kitchen for ketchup.

Ash just sighed and put on his jeans. Just as he was about to put on his T-shirt, there was a knock on the door. Wondering who could it be, he went to open it without putting on shirt.

The door opened to reveal a familiar brunette who was standing there shiftily.
She smiled and was about to greet Ash, but stopped noticing his muscular figure up so close. She stared blankly at it.

Ash was surprised to see May in the boy's dorm. He blushed a bit but shrugged it off.

"Oh hey May! What brings you here?" Ash asked casually, not noticing he was shirtless.

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