Chapter 2

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(This chapter is about all the things that's happened during Ash's absence. Chap 1 continues from Chap 3)

The world has advanced a lot in these three years of Ash's disappearance. New species of pokemon has been discovered. The professor of every region started to work together in terms of research. New devices, items, pokeballs have beem invented for the trainers. Mega evolution, Z-moves and dynamaxing have gained quite the popularity among the young trainers. The PLA, which stands for Pokemon League Association recognized the Alola League and it soon became popular. What was just a vacation spot, became one of the toughest leagues. Professor Kukui formed a Elite Four party for the challengers. He was an Elite Four member himself. Not a single challenger until now who managed to get to him, get past his powerful Incineroar much less defeat him. People were quite confused why he is an Elite Four instead of Champion, but they soon came to know that the first champion of the Alola League, also the only one who defeated Professor Kukui was none other than the famous Ash Ketchum. Some of his rivals wondered how did he even knocked out that Incineroar with an unevolved Torracat. Though no one knows what happened to him or where he is now, Ash still kept in touch with his father-like figure, because he thinks that's the least he could do for them. Kukui was very sympathetic towards him for the incident , and promised him that he will do his best to support him. Ash couldn’t be more grateful. He called back all of his Alolan pokemon so that he could train them. His Lycanroc and Incineroar are strong as ever, his melmetal was his strongest steel type and as for his sleepy Rowlet, he is now a very fierce and strong Decidueye, who still has that ever stone. He evolved everytime that ever stone was out of his body. Strange.

Kukui's only son, Lei, was 8 by now and he also dreamt of becoming a trainer. He always looked upto his father and his big brother  he heard so much about. He was like a young Max without glasses and a big brain.

Back to the topic, the field of co-ordinating and performing have reached a milestone as well. These two things have similarities as well as dissimilarities, but people always loved to see the co-ordinators and performers on stage in action.

Many different pokemon schools,college,academies have been established throughout the world to spread the knowledge about pokemon more and more. Among them the one academy that is arguably, considered to be the best among them is the 'World Academy of Elites' situated in the Kalos region. Getting into this academy was as tough as aging Ash in the pokemon anime.

This academy accepts only the best trainers, coordinators, performers, doctors,  researchers and so on. In some cases, they sent invites to people while most of the others have to apply to it. Even many gym leaders and some Elite Four are said to be attending here.

The teachers here are the regional professors from the other region. Even Champions come here often to battle with trainers for their training. People here are all in their teens or late teens, they teach each other about what they know or experienced in their respective platforms.

Almost all of Ash's travelling companions have been accepted into this renowned place for each of their own achievements and capabilities. Even his rivals were there.

Gary Oak, grandson of the famous Professor Oak have lived up to his surname. He accomplished many research with or without his grandfather's help. He has his own books explaining the mysterious nature of pokemon, their habitats, mega-evolution,etc. He also has a place among the regional professors.

Brock, the perv..*cough* the former gym leader who is now a very renowned pokemon doctor. Due to his remarkable works, he also gets the chance to work with many other breeders and sometimes the Nurse Joys as well, eventhough he is seen around the Joys more.

Misty Waterflower, she is still a gym leader. But her gym has gotten recognization as Kanto's one of the most strongest gyms, which is Ash well aware of.

May Maple, the Queen of Hoenn, or that's what people say, has won three grand festivals as her achievement. Her little brother Max Maple, now a 15 year old teenager, is a trainer who participated in three leagues namely, Hoenn,Sinnoh and Kanto. He came top16 in Hoeen, top8 in Sinnoh and finally becoming runner-up in the Kanto league. His sceptile is his strongest pokemon along with his ace Gallade.

Dawn Berlitz, top coordinator of Sinnoh, has won just as many grand festivals as her friend May. She still kept good touch with her and brock, but unfortunately, doesn’t know anything about her raven haired mentor and best friend.

Iris, the purple bush hair kid, finally became the gym leader of the opelucid gym. Her little axew was now a powerful Haxorus. As well as Cilan, who was now one step from becoming a S-class connoisseur.

Clemont was a very strong gym leader now.  He recently improved a lot with his inventions that exploded less than before. Bonnie, 15 year old, was now a trainer as well, as she made it into the semi-finals on her first try in the Kalos League. She is still looking for someone to take care of her big brother, but in a more polite way. She was now concentrating to become a performer just like Serena. Speaking of witch...

Serena Yvonne, the Kalos Queen, ah yes she finally defeated Aria, the previous Queen, and took her title. Rumor has it that she is dating the newest member of the Kalos Elite Four, Calem Xavier. Calem took the position after Drasna retired. It was offered to Alan first, but he simply refused because he wanted to continue his research on mega-evolution with Professor Sycamore.

Some students who graduated from the Pokemon School in Alola, were invited as well. Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Sophocles and Kiawe were the students. Kiawe was an Elite Four member along with Kukui and Gladion. Lillie and Gladion finally rescued their father who was actually trapped inside an ultra beast's body. Fortunately, Ash happened to be there as well who helped them in their rescue in a disguise.

After reuniting with their long lost father, Liliie continued with her studies and Gladion started participating the league of other regions. He won the Johto and Hoenn league, but came second in Unova losing to none other than Tobias. He was offered the Alola Elite Four position which he gladly accepted. After getting the invitation, the emo dude decided to attend the academy before challenging the kalos league.

Before I forget, the last member of the Alola Elite Four is, none other than the big bad Guzma. Despite everything, he was a very strong trainer and Kukui took a chance of offering him that. Surprisingly, Guzma took it without a question, but only agreed to battle if any challenger defeats Kukui first. He still had a score to settle with the Champion.

Goh decided to start a little research on pokemon. He thought it would be helpful enough to catch rare pokemon if he had enough knowledge about them as he still pursues that stupid dream of catching Mew. With Professor Cerice's reference, he got into the academy as well.

To conclude, all of Ash's friends,companions, rivals and lots of other strong trainers were attending this academy which has something to do with the mission Lance is about to give. Lots of emotion and romance are going to conjure up on the upcoming chapters so stay tuned.

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