Chapter 16

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"You got yourself a challenge right after you landed there? Talk about an entrance," Lance laughed.

"I didn't plan any of this Lance," said Ash with a sigh.

After coming from the beach, Ash decided to give Lance a call. They were talking in a video conference.

"So did you feel any better seeing all of your friends again?" asked Lance.

"Much better actually. It felt good to be near them once again," Ash said smiling.

"That's good to hear. Anyway we haven't spotted any suspicious activity in Kalos so you can relax for the time being."

'That's a relief,' Ash thought.

"Ok then I will talk to you later Lance," with a nod Ash cut the call.

It was late in the afternoon. Ash was thinking about what to do until he heard a knock. He got up to open the door only to reveal a familiar.


"Hey Ash. Just wanted to check on you. Everything good?" said the frontier manager.

"Oh I'm doing great actually thanks for asking," said Ash gratefully.

"No worries. Anyways would you mind to come outside for a bit? I wanted you to meet someone," said Scott glancing sideways.

"Ok?" Ash said before coming out of his dorm. Only then he noticed there was another person standing a few feet away from Scott. The amethyst haired girl tensed up seeing Ash again but maintained her composure. Her eye color matched with her hair. She was wearing purple pants with a white coat over a violet top.

"Umm hey Ash," said Anabel shyly.

Ash just stared at her with a poker face. He couldn't believe how much the Salon Maiden has changed as well. Her short hair has grown into a long beautiful one. Her body has matured as well with her age.

Anabel looked a bit disappointed thinking Ash didn't recognise her. But who could blame him?

"I think you might have forgotten her," Scott said with a nervous laugh. "She is-

"Anabel?" Ash said surprising them. The girl looked happy.

"Sorry, I was just- well, surprised at how much you've changed," Ash said sheepishly.

"Can't blame you. You've changed a lot too," said Anabel glancing at Ash's muscular physique with a tint of red.

Scott smiled and thought about giving them some time alone.
"I'll take my leave now. See you two later," he disappeared before anyone could say anything.

There was silence until Ash broke it.

"I am kinda hungry so want to go to the cafe for dinner? We can catch up as well," he suggested.

"Sure I would love too," Anabel said with a sweet smile closing her eyes.

Ash stared at her, rather intently before shaking his head to clear some weird thoughts that's coming to him every so often.

They walked to the cafe which was inside the academy. It was pretty fancy and good as well. Ash told her about pretty much everything he told everyone else. Anabel
talked to Ash about how she has been progressing as a Frontier Brain in these years.

"Hey where's Pikachu?" asked Anabel.

"He's back in my room," replied Ash. "Oh yeah I forgot. You can understand pokemon speech right?" asked Ash.

"Yes. I have made lots of new friends as well."

"That's great," Ash said as they entered the cafe.

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