Chapter 40

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Outside the academy, the officers were standing with discipline in a line. Five black jets descended from the sky as they landed one by one. Each one of them were modernised with updates and had the initials 'KDA' printed on it. All the doors opened at once as many uniformed officers came down from them. People were gathered around the area watching this scene with interest. At this point, the officers didn't even bother to shove them away, but still kept a guard on the reporters so they don't pester them with questions.

Champion Lance finally came out followed by the Elite Four Sabrina. As they came out, the others immediately rushed to them and gave a formal salute. The two Kantonians nodded and went straight to work.

"Give me all the updates in brief," Lance said in a serious tone as he started walking towards the academy. Agent David followed his suit.

"Sir, Lance. We have been doing our best to break through the shield which has been blocking our path from the beginning. We have sent one of our drones and came to know that the students are being robbed by a mysterious group of people who are none other than Team Cosmos," he replied.

"Show me the footage of the camera," Sabrina ordered as David shrugged.

"Sorry Ma'am. The thing is it was destroyed 15 minutes ago by a peculiar and very powerful thunderbolt, which seemed to have appeared and disappeared without any trace," he said. Lance and Sabrina exchanged quick glances

"So Ash is inside then," Lance said, looking at the direction of the campus. This simple information caught David totally off guard.

"W-w-what? You mean that was-?" before he could say anything, an officer interrupted.

"Sir, the intensity of the shield seemed to be lessing by a small range in every few minutes," he informed as David sighed in relief.

"Alright, our officers will take it from here. Meanwhile, you people make sure everyone is out of this area range," Sabrina said.

"Yes Ma'am," David said and sprinted off to carry out his given duty.

"Think he will be okay?" asked Lance.

"I hope so. Let's do our best for the time being," replied Sabrina.

Lance nodded as they both started give orders and brought out their pokemons as well for help. Now, they have only one goal. To stop and prevent this sort of chaos, once and for all.


The bright blue light materialised into a huge draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It was primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It had a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There were two fangs visible in the upper jaw when its mouth was closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the third joint of each wing. A single wing-finger was visible through the center of each wing membrane. Its arms were short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb had three sharp, white claws. It had stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigradefeet. The flame burning on the tip of its tail was blazing with fiery battling spirit and determination.

The Flame Pokemon, Charizard, hovered in the air for a moment in silence. It slowly opened its eyes which were burning with red hot flames. It spreaded its wings to the both side and let loose a deafening outcry.


The roar from the beast shook the entire campus madly as if a massive earthquake was happening. The shockwaves blowing out from it caused everyone to loose their balance as they tried to stand their ground while some were literally pushed back. The windows formed cracks on it from the impact of the aftershock. The opposition pokemon at one moment was very confident of themselves, but now all of a sudden, they weren't anymore. Each one of them could feel the terrifying power Charizard was releasing. It was a literal powerhouse.

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