Chapter 11

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Ash was sitting in his locker room, eyes closed as he was clearing his mind from all sorts of thoughts through meditation. He believes having a clear mind during a battle was the first step towards victory. The yellow rodent beside him was doing the same.

"The time has really come huh buddy?" asked the raven haired boy.

"Pika," was the reply from the rodent.

"I am kinda nervous, but then again excited. I wonder if people still remembers me," said Ash thoughtfully.

"Pika chu pika pika", said the mouse with a laugh.

Ash chuckled. "Yeah I guess you are right."

"Pika chu Pika?"

Ash rosed an eyebrow.

"I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe it will depend on the pokemon Paul is going to use," replied Ash.

"Pika Pi Pikachu," the rodent asked smugly.

Ash thought about it for a moment.

"I don't think I will be using you today buddy," said Ash to which Pikachu looked disappointed.

"I would probably have a lot of attention on me. Using you wouldn't make it any better, when people will see your capabilities, you know what I mean," said Ash with a smile.

Pikachu nodded in understanding.

"Will the challenger proceed to the main stadium?" a voice through the intercom said.

"That's our cue buddy, let's go!"


The rodent climbed on its trainer shoulder as they proceeded towards a tunnels that opened up to a large stadium.

The stadium was filled with lots of people. There were cheering as well as murmuring among the crowd. The public was allowed as well to watch a battle inside the academy. The battles were recorded live and was broadcasted on the projector outside of the academy, so that passersby could watch it as well. The gang sat in a section together close to the battlefield, which was deserted and pretty large. The professors, some of the Elites and gym leaders were in the VIP box. The crowd attracted the attention of a certain Kalos Champion, as Diantha came to watch it as well from a little distance with a black disguise.

The announcer was a little confused as to the fact why an entrance exam was being given so much attention, until he saw the details of the challenger. He was shocked. But he soon became excited when he realized he will be introducing this person.

There is never this much crowd in a battle unless it is between Elites or Champions. The people figured they wouldn't use the main stadium if it wasn't an important battle, hence the crowd. So, yeah everyone was there. And I mean everyone.

The gang chatted among themselves obviously excited. Gary was nervous and kept sweating a lot due to the pressure as well as worried about his pp.

"GOOD AFTERNOON LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!" the announcer yelled through the microphone catching the attention of the people.

"How are ya'll? Good? Because I am. We are about to witness a fearsome battle between two strong trainers," he said excitedly making the crowd excited as well.

"So hold on to your seat folks, and those who aren't here turn on your TV, because you don't get to see a heated battle like this one everyday," he said. Those who were looking bored got interested as well. Just how much important and amazing a battle can be? The thought was on everyone's mind.

"So now," announcer spoke, "From the left side, I present to you a very strong trainer, who comes from the Sinnoh region, hard as rock and cold as ice, tough as a opponent you can get, a honourable student of this academy as well as an Elite Four member of his home region.....

"PAUL SHINJI," as soon as the name left his mouth, the crowd erupted into cheers. Paul was an introverted character to people, but his skills and abilities as a trainer has gotten a lot of attention. He defeated all the Elite Four members after challenging the Sinnoh League for the second time and even gave Cynthia a good battle. Though he lost, he earned enough respect as a trainer. As a person? Not so much.

Many trainers challenged him after he arrived here, but received crushing defeat from him.

Paul walked out from his tunnel as the crowd cheered even louder. Paul always had a grumpy and smug look on his face everytime he went for a battle. But most people were surprised to see him.....tensed? Yes. He was tensed and nervous as his heart was pounding as well. He knew his winning streak might come to an end if he isn't careful enough in this battle.

Seeing Paul like this was a surprise to some people including Flint and Aaron. They couldn't help but think, 'Who is this challenger?'

Ash on the other hand was standing a few feet away from the entrance. The moment Paul entered, the people's cheering stunned him a bit. Even he of all people, had fangirls!

Ash chuckled a bit to himself. 'Looks like someone is quite popular,' he thought. Ash then instantly got nervous just like Paul when the announcer started to reveal the challenger.

"And now," the announcer started as people were excited then ever to see this individual.

"Ok people, hold your breaths in, because this challenger i-is no ordinary o-one." His voice was shaking due to excitement.

"This person is a very skillful and powerful trainer. He has challenged almost all the leagues and tournaments. He even has battled against Elites and Champions at a very young age."

The crowd grew restive then ever. The professors, some of the elites and even Diantha who was in a disguise was curious about this person.

The announcer took a deep breath as he started the final revelation.


Ash slowly started to walk towards his positon in the battlefield, with Pikachu on his shoulder, as he slowly lowered his hood to reveal a cap covering his raven hair underneath.


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